Libert@s online: Issue 11: Special Iran Issue
September 2003

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The Murderers of Tehran

It has been three months since the disappearance of Zahra Kazemi in Tehran. The circumstances surrounding her arrest and death remain shrouded in mystery. The only certainty is that our fellow Canadian - a woman who was a passionate believer in rights and freedoms for all - was subjected to extreme violence and suffering before her death.

From the autopsy and investigation reports to the laying of charges and subsequent release of those accused, the Iranian regime has repeatedly contradicted itself in in its efforts to cover-up the affair. This regime creates the illusion of being open, only to shut itself completely when questioned from the outside, as it has in this case and dozens of others. Iran is, in effect, the largest prison for journalists in the Middle East.

To date, Iran has ignored all requests for information made by the Canadian government, whether it be for an autopsy conducted by international experts, a public inquest open to all observers or the repatriation of Ms. Kazemi's body to Canada.

While maintaining an appearance of dialogue, the Iranian authorities have for the most part sought to protect their odious system and the decisions they have made in this case.

Canada must now maintain its demands, while bringing international pressure to bear on the regime in Tehran and raising the issue before all international bodies. Nothing must divert Canadian authorities from their absolute duty to ensure that their demands are met and to obtain universal condemnation of the murderers of Tehran.

Jean-Louis Roy
Rights & Democracy

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