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Finding the Length of the Growing Season

 Marj Sutton is a foreign investor looking to purchase farm land in Alberta. Marj knows that winters in Canada can be long and needs to know how many days the growing season is. She would like to view some historical maps to determine a trend in the length of the growing season.
Marj wants to use the Quick Viewer to learn two things:
  1. What is the length of the growing season in Alberta?
  2. Which areas of the province have the longest growing season?
  • Select the Quick Viewer from the tabs at the top.
  • Select these choices from the drop down menu under query:
      Step 1: Agroclimatic Atlas
      Step 2: Growing Season and Frost Free Days
      Step 3: Length of Growing Season
      Step 4: 1971-2000
  • Click on "Get Map"
  • Once the map appears, click on it to enlarge it.
This map breaks down the number of growing days in each region of the province, based on data collected between 1971 and 2000.

What is the length of the growing season within Alberta?
The growing season is generally considered the number of days above five degrees C. From the legend on the map, Marj can see that the growing season in Alberta varies from under 160 days to over 185 days.

Which areas of the province have the longest growing season?
The map shows that the southern region of the province has a growing season of 185 days or more, making it the region with the longest growing season.

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Other Documents in the Series

  AgroClimatic Information Service (ACIS): Case Studies
Finding the Length of the Growing Season - Current Document
Determining the Driest Areas in the Province
Monitoring Crop Growth
Finding Local Weather Data
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Lisa Guenther.
This information published to the web on July 24, 2006.

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