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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

Notifiable Transactions - Forms (Short (s.16), Long (s.17)

The Notifiable Transactions provisions in Part IX of theCompetition Act require that parties notify the Competition Bureau of certain transactions when they are of a specified type, exceed certain thresholds and are not subject to any exemptions. Notifiers have the option of supplying the information listed in s.16 (short form) or s.17 (long form) of the Regulations.

Short Form - s. 16 - (PDF: 46 KB)

Long form - s. 17 - (PDF: 80 KB)

If the following document is not accessible to you, please contact the Competition Bureau's Information Centre Toll free: 1-800-348-5358, Phone: (819) 997-4282 TDD (hearing impaired): 1-800-642-3844 for alternate print formats.

Completed forms and the accompanying appendices should be sent to the Competition Bureau at the following address:

The Commissioner of Competition


Competition Bureau
Industry Canada
21st Floor
50 Victoria Street
Hull, Quebec
K1A 0C9

Completed forms and the accompanying appendices may be faxed to the Mergers Branch at (819) 953-6169. However, the original affidavits must be received by the Bureau within one business day following the receipt of the fax. Should you have any questions please call the Merger Notification Unit at (819) 953-4297.

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