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face1 face2 face3 face4 face5 face6  New to the working world? This is your safety gateway!
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Ready for work? Take HS 101 and find out!

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Did you know?
Rights and Responsibilities

Hours, Wages, etc.

yellow bullet What do I do if...?
What if I'm worried my boss may be breaking the law ...
or I'm hurt on the job?
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Is this you?
Job Profiles & Hazards

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(Who wants it?)
Info for You, Parents, Employers & Teachers

yellow bullet Be prepared
Here are some questions to ask and things to think about!

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Get Info!
Click here for general health and safety info, as well as Canadian & International agencies that can help!
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Get Real!
Real Stories - as told by youth and family

Canadian Life Quilt - a memorial

yellow bullet Research
Read some of the research that has been done for and about young workers.
Safety where you live...
  Check out all of the health and safety info on this site... or click here for material specific to your region!
Map of Canada  
Safety Smart?
  Are you safety smart? Take the Test!  
Quiz Archiveyellowbutton
Check These Out – Great Resources for Promoting Safety Awareness!
Learn about health and safety and help raise awareness using these great resources.

Resources include:
Posters &
Fact Sheets
Video & Audio Clips
Games & Quizzes
Help Yourself
OSH Answers – A FREE question/answer service from the Inquiries Service at the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). OSH Answers image

Volunteering? Be sure to read this.

click here...

Kid's Stuff

It's never to early to start thinking about safety... even workplace safety.

Programs for Younger Children

Child's Play image
Initiatives / Programs

Learn what other people are doing to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

click here

Employment Centres

Get some help finding that special job or career!


It's the Law!

Locate the legal info for where you live ... national, provincial or territorial.

About Contact Site Map
Did you know? Is this you? Be prepared What do I do if? Responsibility
Get Real Get info Safety Smart
Help yourself Kid's Stuff Safety where you live Initiatives

This site is designed and maintained by CCOHS