Industry Canada / Government of Canada

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How governments are supporting CFS

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Federal departments should refer to the Treasury Board policy on Disposal of Surplus Movable Crown Assets

All federal personal computers (MS-DOS/Windows and MacIntosh) and associated monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, modems, servers, hubs, network cards, disk operating systems and related equipment which become surplus to government requirements must be offered intact to the Industry Canada Computers for School Program.

The configuration of incoming computers is carefully monitored and recorded by CFS. Custodians of federal personal computers should ensure that surplus computers are not cannibalized or otherwise rendered unusable prior to transfer. The practice of removing hard drives, random access memory (RAM) and other essential components from computers before transferring them should only be done in those rare situations where security requirements dictate it.

The data on the hard drives of all computers received at CFS facilities are thoroughly erased and the disks reformatted. Custodians with sensitive data may obtain RCMP-approved software from their local CFS centre to erase data on hard drives prior to transfer. In the National Capital Region, custodians may request that a technician from the CFS Program perform this work at their site. Bulk erasing of removable magnetic disks is also available from the CFS Program.

Here are a few examples of how some federal organizations are supporting Computers for Schools:

  • PWGSC donates warehouse space and provides facilities management services for the National Repair and Transfer Centre.

  • Crown Assets Distribution Centres, in Ottawa and in regions throughout Canada, provide facilities, warehousing space, and management services for the sale of CFS recycling.

  • RCMP provides CFS with hard disk security support and training.

  • Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency provides its surplus computers in an already refurbished condition and often helps deliver them directly to schools.

  • National Defence and the Canadian Coast Guard ship equipment to schools in remote locations

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Date Modified : 12/21/2005 Top of Page
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