Canadian Intellectual Property Office
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Filing a Revised Trade-Mark Application
(Form for applicant)

This form may only be used if, you have previously filed an application for the registration of a trade-mark and you have received a filing receipt from our office indicating the filing particulars which includes the filing date and application number. This form is not to be used to submit a revised application to the Trade-marks Opposition board. The Trade-marks Opposition board is not prepared to accept revised applications filed electronically at this point in time.

Please Note: The following information sets out the changes that are not permissible:

Section 31(Trade-mark Regulations 1996). No application for the registration of a trade-mark may be amended where the amendment would change

(a) the identity of the applicant, except after recognition of a transfer by the Registrar;

(b) the trade-mark, except in respects that do not alter its distinctive character or affect its identity;

(c) the date of first use or making known in Canada of the trade-mark to an earlier date, except where the evidence proves that the change is justified by the facts;

(d) the application from one not alleging use or making known of the trade-mark in Canada before the filing of the application to one alleging such use or making known; or

(e) the statement of wares or services so as to be broader than the statement of wares or services contained in the application at the time the application was filed pursuant to section 30 of the Act.

Section 32(Trade-mark Regulations 1996). No application for the registration of a trade-mark may be amended, after it has been advertised in the Journal, to change

(a) the trade-mark in any manner whatsoever;

(b) the date of first use or making known in Canada of the trade-mark;

(c) the application from one alleging use or making known to one for a proposed trade-mark;

(d) the application from one that does not allege that the trade-mark has been used and registered in or for a country of the Union to one that does so allege; or

(e) the statement of wares or services so as to be broader than the statement of wares or services contained in the application at the time of advertisement.

System Requirements and Information

You should review our system requirements and information summary to ensure you have the required software.

For assistance you may use the Information Request Form or call CIPO Client Service Center at (819) 997-1936.


To report a technical problem, please complete the Technical Problem Report form.


Last Modified: 2003-12-23
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