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Researching Markets


  1. STAT-USA Market Research Reports
    Access current country profiles, analysis and guides supporting international market research, business in telligence and trade opportunity identification. The following products provide brief, factual summaries concerning the people, history, government, economy, and foreign relations: Country Analysis Briefs, Country Background Notes, Country Commercial Gui des, Foreign Labor Trends, Industry Sector Analysis, International Market Insight, and the CIA World Fact Book.


  1. Canadian Company Capabilities
    Enables you to find out what others are doing by searching an online database with over 50 000 Canadian companies and 200 000 products and services.

  2. Federal Corporations Data Online
    Access information on hundreds of thousands of federally incorporated companies in Canada by searching this database.

  3. Canadian Industry Statistics
    Provides information on various aspects of Canadian economic activity. Areas of special emphasis include economics, employment, international trade, investment, public equity financing, and growth indices.

  4. Trade Data Online
    Offers import and export statistics by commodity (product), industry and geographic location for a ten year period. This yields detailed and aggregate Canadian and U.S. information concerning trade trends and market shares.

  5. Canadian Importers Database
    Allows you to obtain a list of major importers by product/commodity or by city. The final report -- generated using the latest year's data collected by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency -- will give you names and postal codes of the top 80% import companies in your specified sector.

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Starting a Business  |   Financing  |  Exporting  |  Researching Markets  |   Suppliers, Partners, Customers  |  Managing People  |  Using Electronic Commerce  |  Exploiting Technology Opportunities  |  Business & the Environment

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Updated: 2006-09-19