PIPEDA on the Web

NEW: As of January 1, 2004, PIPEDA will be fully in force. PIPEDA has been in force since the start of 2001 in respect of federally-regulated industries or organizations that disclose personal information outside a province for consideration. Starting in 2004, however, the obligations in PIPEDA will apply to all organizations in Canada, except in British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec, which have substantially similar provincial legislation.

NEW: Do-not-call case page: legal briefs in the case heard by the Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on November 10, 2003

Welcome to www.pipeda.org, a collection of information and links about the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, c.5 (abbreviated "PIPEDA" or "PIPED Act").

PIPEDA is a revolutionary change in Canadian privacy law. It confers extensive rights on individuals to control the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information by organizations in the course of commercial activity.

This page has recent news, as well as links to the legal text of PIPEDA and court decisions that have considered PIPEDA.

The cases filed page contains some information about most of the cases that have been filed in Federal Court. The articles page has a collection of links to articles about PIPEDA. Most of these are from the web sites of Canadian law firms, and are brief explanations written by lawyers in bulletins sent out to their clients. And the links page has links to other web pages with useful information about privacy for consumers.

External links will open in new windows.
Text of PIPEDA Court Decisions Articles Cases Filed Radwanski scandal Misc Links

Recent news:

Links to PIPEDA, amendments, and regulations

Court decisions related to PIPEDA

Text of PIPEDA Court Decisions Articles Cases Filed Radwanski scandal Misc Links

Last updated December 9, 2003.
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