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Spectrum Licence Service Areas
Spectrum Auction Results
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Spectrum Licence Service Areas

The following table contains geographic objects describing spectrum licences service areas awarded for Local Multipoint Communication Systems (LMCS), Railway, communication systems in the 38GHz frequency band and Fixed Wireless Access systems (FWA) in the 3.4GHz frequency band. The files contain the following information for each service area: the service area name, the total number of households in the area, the area (in square kilometers), the licensee, the number of cells in the area and the province in which the service area is located. The LMCS service areas were awarded to three selected licensees by Industry Minister John Manley, on October 29, 1996. The Railway spectrum licence was awarded to the Railway Association of Canada, on April 1st, 2000.

Type of service MapInfo native format MapInfo import format Last date updated
LMCS speclmcs speclmcsmif 2003.04.02
38GHz spec38g spec38gmif 2006.09.12
FWA in 3.4GHz band specfwa34g specfwa34gmif 2006.03.10
Railway racacfc racacfcmif 2002.06.14


Competitive Licensing Service Areas

The following table contains the lists of the provisional winners at the closing of the spectrum auctions. The residual auction in the 2300 and 3500 MHz frequency bands took place in 2005. The auction in the 2300 and 3500 MHz frequency bands took place in Febraury 2004. The auction for additional PCS spectrum in the 2GHz frequency range took place in 2001. The auction for spectrum in the 24 and 38GHz frequency bands took place in 1999.

Date Spectrum Auction MapInfo native format MapInfo import format
2005 Residual in 2300 and 3500 MHz Bands * a4
a4 combined
a4 incumbents
a4 combinedmif
a4 incumbentsmif
2004/02 In 2300 and 3500 MHz Bands a3 a3mif
2001 Additional PCS in 2GHz a2 a2mif
1999 In 24 and 38GHz Bands a1 a1mif

(*) The map layer a4_combined includes the existing licences based on the Tier areas resulting from the February 2004 auction and the map layer a4_incumbents contains other existing spectrum and radio licences falling inside the frequency bands of interest before the initiation of the auction.

The following table contains the map layers defined for the service areas competitive licensing. There are four tiers of service areas that the Department may use for future licensing activity as described in the document "Service Areas for Competitive Licensing". Tier 1 is a single national service area. Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 service areas are provided in three sets of files below. The Tier 4 file was modified in 2003 where the number of areas was increased to 172. All the Tier files were modified in 2004 to calculate the population using 2001 census data. The files contain geographic objects describing the service areas, the service area number, the service area name, the total population and the area (in square kilometres).

2004 Tier MapInfo native format MapInfo import format
Tier 1 tier1_2004 tier1_2004mif
Tier 2 tier2_2004 tier2_2004mif
Tier 3 tier3_2004 tier3_2004mif
Tier 4 tier4_2004 tier4_2004mif

Tier level MapInfo native format MapInfo import format
Tier 1 tier1g tier1mif
Tier 2 tier2g tier2mif
Tier 3 tier3g tier3mif
Tier 4 modified in 2003 tier4g_2003 tier4g_2003mif

The following table contains the map layer defined for the Local Telephone Service Areas which generally correspond to the wireline service areas of the local telephone companies operating in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Population data is based on Statistics Canada 2001 census data.

Service Areas MapInfo native format MapInfo import format Last date updated
TEL tel telmif 2005.02.21


Demographic areas

The following table contains coloured spectrum grid cells map layers to identify urban versus rural areas as prescribed by the radiocommunication information circular RIC-27 Identification of Urban Vs Rural Areas. The first set of files cover all of Canada and the second set cover only the urban areas where the density is larger than 25 households per square kilometers. (The files in the second set are much smaller.)

Type of areas MapInfo native format MapInfo import format
Urban and rural demogrid (32MB) demogridmif (17MB)
Urban urban urbanmif


Saturation map layers

The following table contains the saturation index information for the entire country, as described in RIC-6 Spectrum Consumption and the Saturation Index. The files are those of the Spectrum Grid, in which each cell is represented with a different colour, depending on its saturation index.

  MapInfo native format MapInfo import format
Saturation map satur (27MB) saturmif (2MB)


Spectrum Grid map layers

The following table contains the spectrum grid map layers.

Coverage MapInfo native format MapInfo import format
Canada canada (44MB) canhxmif (23MB)
Atlantic atl atlhxmif
Quebec que quehxmif
Ontario ont onthxmif
Prairies pra prahxmif
Pacific pac pachxmif


Data formats supported

Data formats supported are the MapInfo native format and the MapInfo import format. The MapInfo native format is used by the MapInfo Professional desktop mapping software of MapInfo Corporation. The MapInfo import format is an import/export text format supported by major desktop mapping and GIS softwares.

All the map layers are compressed into standard ZIP files and can be uncompressed by the WinZip utility or other utilities that support the ZIP format. The MapInfo native format compressed files may contain 4 or 5 separate files. The MapInfo import format compressed files contain 2 separate files.


Updated: 2006-05-01

Important Notices