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The Acronyms section shows many of the acronyms used for Industry Canada sectors, branches, products, programs and services. Also included are many acronyms for spectrum and telecommunications, intellectual property, the internet, industry, trade, economic and business terms, international organizations, other government departments, and other terms commonly used throughout various Industry Canada websites.

Please note that some acronyms may have more than one meaning.

The corresponding equivalent French acronym is presented in brackets after each entry.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


A&D – aerospace and defence (A-D)
AAC – Allowable Annual Cut (CAP)
AAE – average annual earnings (RAM)
AAFC – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAC)
ABM – activity-based management (GPA)
ABM – automated banking machine (GAB)
ACAD – Advisory Committee on Assistive Devices (ACAD)
ACCA – Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance (DAA)
ACCC – Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
ACCM – Alternative Consumer Credit Market (MPCC)
ACOL – Advisory Committee for Online Learning (CCAEL)
ACRs – Alternative Case Resolutions (AIR)
ACST – Advisory Council on Science and Technology (CCST)
ACTP – Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership (PITCA)
ADIO – Assistive Devices Industry Office (BIAAF)
ADM – Assistant Deputy Minister (SMA)
ADM – Associate Deputy Minister (SMD)
ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ARC)
ADSL – Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (LNPA)
AEB – Audit and Evaluation Branch (DGVE)
AHR – assisted human reproduction (TPA)
AI – artificial intelligence (IA)
AIAC – Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
AIAMC – Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AFIAC)
AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (SIDA)
AIF – Atlantic Innovation Fund (FIA)
AIT – Agreement on Internal Trade (ACI)
ALS – Assignment and Licensing System (SGAL)
AM – Amplitude Modulation (AM)
AMEC – Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada (AMEC)
AMIS – Application Management and Innovation Services Directorate (GASI)
AMT – Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (TFP)
AMVs – accredited meter verifiers (VCA)
ANSI – American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
AO – Accredited Organizations (OA)
AOs – Advisory Opinions (AC)
APEC – Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
ARC – Advanced Ruling Certificate (CDP)
ARET – Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics (ARET)
ARPU – Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (RMMU)
ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
ASD – Alternative service delivery (DMPS)
ASL – Approval Services Laboratory (LSA)
AT – assistive technology (TA)
ATAGAuthoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG)
ATIP – Access to Information and Privacy (AIPRP)
ATM – asynchronous transfer mode (MTA)
ATV – Advanced television (TVP)
AUCC – Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
AWS – Advanced Wireless Services (SSFE)


B2B – Business-to-business (B2B)
B2C – Business-to-consumer (B2C)
B2G – business-to-government (B2G)
BADLAB – Broadband Applications and Demonstrations Laboratory (BADLAB)
BAFO – Best and Final Offer (MOF)
BBO – Buy-Build-Operate (ACE)
BBS – Bulletin Board System (BAB)
BCP – Business Continuity Plan (PCO)
BDC – Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
BEPO – Business Environmental Performance Office (BPEEC)
BESP – Broadcasting Equipment Standards Procedures (PMNR)
BESTBuilding Excellence in Science and Technology (VEST)
BETS – Broadcasting Equipment Technical Standards (NTMR)
BIABankruptcy and Insolvency Act (LFI)
BIF – Border Infrastructure Fund (FIF)
BIS – Business Information System (SIE)
BIT – Business Impact Test (BIT)
BLOT – Build-Lease-Operate-Transfer (BLOT)
BMIEBuilding a More Innovative Economy (BMIE)
BN – Business Number (NE)
BOO – Build-Own-Operate (BOO)
BOOT – Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT)
BOP – Balance of Payments (BDP)
BOT – Build Own Transfer (CPT)
BOTABoards of Trade Act (LCH)
BPI – Business Planning Initiative (IPE)
BPS – Bits-Per-Second (b/s)
BRAND – Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program (BRAND)
BRAVO – Biotechnology Regulatory Assistance Virtual Office (BRAVO)
BRI – Biotechnology Research Institute (IRB)
BSA – Business Start-Up Assistant (SADE)
BSE – bovine spongiform encephalopathy (ESB)
BSS – broadcasting-satellite service (SRS)
B-TAC – Broadcasting Technical Advisory Committee (CCTR)
BTO – Build Transfer Operate (BTO)


CAs – certification authorities (AC)
CAB – Conformity Assessment Bodies (OÉC)
CAB – Country Analysis Briefs (CAB)
CAD – computer-aided design (CAO)
CAE – computer-aided engineering (IAO)
CAM – computer-aided manufacturing (FAO)
CANARIE – Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education (CANARIE)
CANtex – Canadian Textiles Program (CANtex)
CAP – Community Access Program (PAC)
CAPC – Canadian Automotive Partnership Council (CPSCA)
CARAB – Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board (CCRAC)
CATA – Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA)
CATIP – Canadian Apparel and Textile Industries Program (PICTV)
CB – Certification Body (OC)
CB – Competition Bureau (BC)
CBAC – Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee (CCCB)
CBCACanada Business Corporations Act (LCSA)
CBDC – Community Business Development Corporations (CLDE)
CBN – Country Background Notes (CBN)
CBS – Canadian Biotechnology Strategy (SCB)
CBSA – Canada Border Services Agency (ASFC)
CBSC – Canada Business Service Centre (CSEC)
CBSec – Canadian Biotechnology Secretariat (SecCB)
CBT – computer based training (FAO)
CCA – Capital Cost Allowance (DPA)
CCAACompanies' Creditors Arrangement Act (LACC)
CCAF – Climate Change Action Fund (FACC)
CCC – Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC)
CCC – Canadian Company Capabilities (REC)
CCCDF – Canada Climate Change Development Fund (FCCC)
CCG – Country Commercial Guides (CCG)
CCME – Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME)
CCV – Canadian Content Value (VCC)
CDIA – Canadian Direct Investment Abroad (IDCE)
CDMA – code division multiple access (AMRC)
CDM/JI – Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation (MDP/AC)
CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM)
CEE – Central and Eastern Europe (ECE)
CEIS – Canadian Environmental Industry Strategy (SCIE)
CEO – Chief Executive Officer (PDG)
CERTs – computer emergency response capabilities (CERT)
CES – Canadian Environmental Solutions (SEC)
CESN – Canadian Electronic Scholarly Network (RCIS)
CFCs – chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
CFDCs – Community Futures Development Corporations (SADC)
CFI – Canada Foundation for Innovation (FCI)
CFIA – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (ACIA)
CFIB – Canadian Federation of Independent Business (FCEI)
CFN – Canada's Forest Network (IFC)
CFS – Computers for Schools (OPE)
CFTM – Canadian Forum on Trade Measurement (FCMC)
CGAT – Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CTAG)
CGDI – Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (ICDG)
cGMP – current Good Manufacturing Practices (BPFa)
CIAR – Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (ICRA)
CIBS – Canadian International Business Strategy (SCCI)
CIDA – Canadian International Development Agency (ACDI)
CIHR – Canadian Institutes of Health Research (IRSC)
CIITT – Canadian Initiative for International Technology Transfer (ICTTI)
CIO – Chief Information Office (SAPI)
CIP – critical infrastructure protection (PIE)
CIPO – Canadian Intellectual Property Office (OPIC)
CIRA – Canadian Internet Registration Authority (ACEI)
CIRCLE – Computer Industry Resources Committed to the Leading Edge (CERCLE)
CISTI – Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (ICIST)
CITI – Centre for Information Technologies Innovation (CITI)
CITT – Canadian International Trade Tribunal (TCCE)
CLF – Common Look and Feel (NSI)
CMB – Communications and Marketing Branch (DGCM)
CMC – Consumer Measures Committee (CMC)
CN – Company Number (NC)
CNBSC – Canada-Nunavut Business Service Centre (CSECN)
CNC – computer numerical control (CNC)
CNO/ITU-T – Canadian National Organization for the International Telecommunication Union (ONC/UIT-T)
COACH – Canadian Organization for the Advancement of Computers in Health (COACH)
COBSC – Canada-Ontario Business Service Centre (CSECO)
CoE – Centre of Excellence (CE)
COEF – Canada-Ontario Export Forum (FCOE)
COINS – Consumer On-Line Information Network Service (RESIC)
COIP – Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (PICO)
COIW – Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Works (TICO)
COMET – Commercial Education and Training (COMET)
COMRIF – Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (FIMRCO)
CORP – Corporations Canada (CORP)
COTS – commercial "off-the-shelf" (COTS)
CPE – Customer Premises Equipment (MTA)
CPI – Consumer Price Index (IPC)
CPR – Canadian Patent Rules (RBC)
CPU – Central Processing Unit (UCT)
CR – Copyright Regulations (RDA)
CRA – Canada Revenue Agency (ARC)
CRC – Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC)
CRIN – Consumer Research Information Network (RRIC)
CRM – Customer Relationship Management (GRC)
CRO – contract research organization (ORC)
CRTC – Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
CSA – Canadian Space Agency (ASC)
CSA – Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
CSBFACanada Small Business Financing Act (LFPEC)
CSL – Calibration Services Laboratory (LSÉ)
CSR – corporate social responsibility (RSE)
CSTA – Council of Science and Technology Advisors (CEST)
CTC – Canadian Tourism Commission (CCT)
CTCP – Canadian Telecommunications Cyber Protection (PCTC)
CTN – Canadian Technology Network (RCT)


DB – Design-Build (DB)
DBFO – Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO)
DBO – Design-Build-Operate (CCE)
DBOT – Design-Build-Operate-Transfer (DBOT)
DBS – Direct Broadcast Satellite (SRD)
DCMF – Design-Construct-Manage-Finance (DCMF)
DDSA – Defence Development Sharing Arrangement (DDSA)
DfE – Design for Environment (CE)
DFO – Department of Fisheries and Oceans (MPO)
DG – Director General (DG)
DGPC – Directors General Policy Committee (CPDG)
DGRB – Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch (DGRB)
DGSE – Spectrum Engineering Branch (DGSE)
DGTP – Telecommunications Policy Branch (DGTP)
DIADepartment of Industry Act (LMI)
DIP – Debtor in Possession (DIP)
DIS – Draft International Standard (DIS)
DM – Deputy Minister (SM)
DMB – Departmental Management Board (CGM)
DMDB – Deputy Minister's Departmental Briefing Committee (SBMSM)
DND – Department of National Defence (MDN)
DNS – Domain Name System (or Service) (DNS)
DOT Force – Digital Opportunity Task Force (GEANT)
DPRDepartmental Performance Report (RMR)
DPSA – Defence Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA)
DRB – Digital Radio Broadcasting (RAN)
DSB – Dispute Settlement Body (ORD)
DSIR – Space and International Regulatory Activities (DSIR)
DSL – Digital Subscriber Line (LAN)
DSP – Digital Signal Processing (TSN)
DTH – direct-to-home (satellite) (SRD)
DTV – digital television (TVN)
DVC – digital video compression (CVN)
DVD – Digital Versatile Disc / Digital Video Disc (DVD)


EBIT – earnings before interest and taxes (BAII)
EBM – e-business model (MAÉ)
EC – Environment Canada (EC)
EC – European Commission (CE)
EC – European Community (CE)
ECAs – Export Credit Agencies (OCE)
EDC – Export Development Canada (EDC)
EDGEEmployees Driving Government Excellence (EPAE)
EDI – electronic data interchange (EDI)
EDP – Enterprise Development Program (PEE)
EEC – European Economic Community (CEE)
EFTA – European Free Trade Association (AELE)
EHR – Electronic Health Record (DSE)
e-MAP – Electricity Metering Accuracy Program (PPCÉ)
EMC – electromagnetic compatibility (CEM)
EMCABElectromagnetic Compatibility Advisory Bulletin (ACEM)
EMS – Environmental Management Systems (SGE)
ENGO – Environmental Non-governmental Organizations (ONGE)
EOI – Expression of interest (EOI)
EPO – European Patent Office (OEB)
EPS – Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)
ERDA – Economic and Regional Development Agreement (EDER)
ESBO – Entrepreneurship and Small Business Office (BEPE)
ESMR – Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (RMSA)
ETAG – Ethical Trading Action Group (ETAG)
EU – European Union (UE)
EV – Electric vehicle (VE)
EVA – Economic Value Added (VEA)


FAA – Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
FAAFinancial Administration Act (LGFP)
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FBPB – Fair Business Practices Branch (DPLA)
FCC – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
FCM – Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
FDI – foreign direct investment (IDE)
FedNor – Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern and rural Ontario (FedNor)
FEEEP – food, energy, environment, economy, population (FEEEP)
FIP – Federal Identity Program (PCIM)
FIPA – Foreign Investment Protection Agreement (APIE)
FITT – Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)
FM – Facilities Management (FM)
FM – Frequency Modulation (FM)
FOB – free on board (FAB)
FPT – federal-provincial-territorial (FPT)
FPTT – Federal Partners in Technology Transfer (PFTT)
FRS – Family Radio Service (FRS)
FSS – fixed satellite service (SFS)
FTA – Free Trade Agreement (ALE)
FTAA – Free Trade Area of the Americas (ZLEA)
FTE – Full Time Equivalent (ETP)
FTP – File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FWA – Fixed Wireless Access (AFSF)
FY – fiscal year (AF)


G-7 – Group of Seven (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States) (G-7)
G8 – Group of Eight (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United States) (G8)
GAAP – generally accepted accounting principles (PCGR)
GAAS – generally accepted auditing standards (PVGR)
GATS – General Agreement on Trade in Services (AGCS)
GATT – General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Gs&Cs – grants and contributions (S et C)
GCC – Generations CanConnect (CAG)
GCI – Guides to Canadian Industry (GIC)
GDP – gross domestic product (PIB)
GE – genetically engineered (GM)
GEF – Global Environmental Facility (FEM)
GERD – gross expenditures on R&D (DIRD)
GFE – government furnished equipment (EFG)
GHGs – greenhouse gases (GES)
GHz – gigahertz (GHz)
GIF – Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
GIS – geographic information systems (SIG)
GM – genetically modified (GM)
GMP – Good Manufacturing Practices (BPF)
GMRS – General Mobile Radio Service (SRMG)
GoC – Government of Canada (GC)
GOL – Government On-Line (GED)
GPRS – General Packet Radio Services (GPRS)
GPS – Global Positioning System (GPS)
GST – Goods and Services Tax (TPS)
GTIS – Government Telecommunications and Informatics Services (SGTI)


h2EA – h2 Early Adopters Program (APh2)
HDTV – high-definition television (TVDH)
HIV – human immunodeficiency virus (VIH)
HPC – High Probability of Completion (FPE)
HQP – Highly Qualified Personnel (PHQ)
HRB – Human Resources Branch (DGRH)
HRMS – Human Resources Management System (SGRH)
HS – Harmonized System (SH)
HST – Harmonized Sales Tax (TVH)
HTML – HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


IAC – Industrial Analysis Centre (CAI)
IARP – International Amateur Radio Permit (PIRA)
IBD – international business development (PCI)
IBIN – International Business Information Network (RIIA)
IBP – Interactive Business Planner (PAI)
IBP – International Business Practices (IBP)
IC – Industry Canada (IC)
ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
ICES – Interference-Causing Equipment Standard (NMB)
ICMC – Industry Canada Management Committee (CGIC)
ICN – International Competition Network (RIC)
ICP – Infrastructure Canada Program (PIC)
ICSC – International Centre for Sustainable Cities (CIDDV)
ICT – information and communications technology (TIC)
ICTSO – Information and Communications Technologies Statistical Overview (PSTIC)
IDR – Industrial Design Regulations (RDI)
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IFIs – International Financial Institutions (IFI)
IFMS – Integrated Financial and Material System (SIFM)
IHAB – Information Highway Applications Branch (DGAAI)
IHAC – Information Highway Advisory Council (CCAI)
IIT – International Institute of Telecommunications (IIT)
ILO – International Labour Organization (OIT)
ILU – Individual Labour Unit (UTI)
IMI – International Market Insight (IMI)
IM/IT – Information Management and Information Technology (GI/TI)
INAC – Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (AINC)
Inc. – Incorporated (inc.)
INTREPID – Integrated Trademark Electronic Processing of Information and Designs (INTREPID)
IOTA – Initiative for the Orderly and Timely Administration of Insolvency Estates (IAPO)
IP – intellectual property (PI)
IP – Internet Protocol (IP)
IPB – Innovation Policy Branch (PI)
IPC – Investment Partnerships Canada (PIC)
IPDR – International Project Development Roadmap (FRDPI)
IPO – Industry Portfolio Office (BPI)
IPO – initial public offering (PAPE)
IPOLC – Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official-Language Communities (PICLO)
IPPD – Intellectual Property Policy Directorate (DPPI)
IPRs – Intellectual Property Rights (DPI)
IPRA – Information and Privacy Rights Administration (ADIPRP)
IRAP – Industrial Research Assistance Program (PARI)
IRB – Industrial and Regional Benefits (RIR)
IRB – interest rate buy-down (ARI)
IRCs – Industrial Research Chairs (PCI)
IRDP – Industrial and Regional Development Program (PDIR)
IRIS – Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS)
IRR – Internal Rate of Return (TRI)
IRS – Interest Rate Support (STI)
IS – Industry Sector (SI)
ISA – Industry Sector Analysis (ISA)
ISBN – International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network (RNIS)
ISDP – Industry and Science Development Program (PDIS)
ISO – International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISP – Internet Service Provider (FSI)
ISS – International Space Station (SSI)
ISSN – International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
IT – information technology (TI)
ITA – Industrial Technology Advisors (CTI)
ITAC – Information Technology Association of Canada (ACTI)
ITC – International Trade Centre (CCI)
ITSC – IT Standards Committee (CNTI)
ITU – International Telecommunication Union (UIT)


JETRO – Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
JI – Joint Implementation (AC)
JIT – Just-in-Time (JAT)
JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)
JSF – Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)


KBE – knowledge-based economy (EAS)
KBIs – knowledge-based industries (IFS)
kbps – kilobit per second (kbps)
KRC – Key Results Commitment (PEMR)
KSBS – Key Small Business Statistics (PSRPE)


LAN – Local Area Network (RLE)
LCA – Life Cycle Assessment (ECV)
LDCs – least-developed countries (PMA)
LDO – Lease-Develop-Operate (LDE)
LEAP – Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (PALE)
LEO – low Earth orbit (LEO)
LIBOR – London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR)
LIP – Language Industry Program (PIL)
LMCS – Local Multipoint Communication Systems (LMCS)
LPTV – Low Power Television (TVFP)
LSeTT – Life Sciences e-technology Transfer (eTTSV)
Ltd. – Limited (ltée)
LTS – List of Toxic Substances (LST)


MAF – Management Accountability Framework (CRG)
MAI – Multilateral Agreement on Investment (AMI)
MAL – Modification Approval Letter (LAM)
MaRS – Medical and Related Sciences (MaRS)
MC – Measurement Canada (MC)
MC – Memorandum to Cabinet (MC)
MCC – Management Consulting Centre (CCG)
MCI – Modern Comptrollership Initiative (IMFC)
MCP – Major Crown Project (GPE)
MCS – multipoint communications system (STM)
MDS-TV – Multipoint Distribution Television Systems (SDM-TV)
MEAs – Multilateral Environmental Agreements (AME)
MEIMonthly Economic Indicators (IEM)
MEPA – Micro-Economic Policy Analysis Branch (APME)
MERIT – Mandate for Export and Research and Development in Information Technology (MERIT)
MFN – most-favoured nation (NPF)
MFP – multi-factor productivity (PMF)
MFPB – Marketplace Framework Policy Branch (DGPCM)
MIB – Manufacturing Industries Branch (DGIF)
MIF – Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF)
MLG – Multimedia Learning Group (GAM)
MMSIs – Maritime Mobile Service Identities (ISMM)
MNEs – multinational enterprises (EMN)
MOU – Memorandum of Understanding (PE)
MPC – major power consumer (GCÉ)
MRA – Mutual Recognition Agreement (ARM)
MRO – Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRR)
MRR – Market Research Reports (MRR)
MSAT – Mobile Satellite (MSAT)
MSO – Marketplace Services Organization (OSM)
MSPs – meter service providers (FSC)
MSS – mobile satellite service (SMS)
MUSH – Municipalities, Universities, Schools and Hospitals (MUSH)
MW – Megawatts (MW)


NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement (ALENA)
NAICS – North American Industry Classification System (SCIAN)
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization (OTAN)
NBS – National Biotechnology Strategy (SNB)
NCE – Networks of Centres of Excellence (RCE)
NCPG – National Contingency Planning Group (GPNC)
NEB – National Energy Board (ONE)
NEBS – New Exporters to Border States (NEEF)
NEC – New-to-Exporting Companies (ENE)
NEI – National Expertise Index (RCC)
NEXOS – New Exporters to Overseas Markets (NEXOS)
NEXPRO – New Exporters Training and Counselling Program (NEXPRO)
NEXSA – New Exporters to South America (NEXAS)
NGL – Natural Gas Liquids (LGN)
NGO – non-governmental organization (ONG)
NGV – natural gas vehicles (VGN)
NIS – National Implementation Strategy (SNM)
NMID – National Maritime Information Database (BDNIM)
NOEDF – Northern Ontario Economic Development Fund (FDENO)
NOx – nitrogen oxide (NOx)
NPV – Net Present Value (VAN)
NRC – National Research Council Canada (CNRC)
NRCan – Natural Resources Canada (RNCan)
NRTEE – National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy (TRNEE)
NSERC – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (CRSNG)
NSI – National Satellite Initiative (INS)
NSS – National Standards System (SNN)
NST – National Sector Teams (ESN)
NTI – National Technology Index (INT)
NUANS – Newly Upgraded Automated Name Search (NUANS)


OAG – Office of the Auditor General of Canada (BVG)
OAS – Organization of American States (OEA)
OATS – open area test site (EEE)
OCA – Office of Consumer Affairs (BC)
OCC – Operation Command Centre (CCO)
OCR – Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
OCRI – Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI)
OCS – Office of the Corporate Secretary (BSG)
OCTD – Office of Collaborative Technology Development (BDTC)
ODI – Office for Disability Issues (BCPH)
OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE)
OEE – Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE)
OEM – original equipment manufacturer (FEO)
OGD – other government departments (AMG)
OIP – Office of International Partnerships (BPI)
OLAOfficial Languages Act (LLO)
OLMCs – official language minority community (CLOSM)
O&M – Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
OntCFDC – Community Futures Development Corporations In Ontario (SADC de l'Ontario)
OPEC – Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEP)
OPS – Operations Sector (OPS)
OSB – Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (BSF)


P2P – peer-to-peer (P2P)
PAD – Priority Access for Dialing (APC)
PAN – personal area network (RP)
PCBs – Polychlorinated Biphenyls (BPC)
PCH – Canadian Heritage (PCH)
PCO – Privy Council Office (BCP)
PCS – personal communications service (SCP)
PCT – Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
PDA – Personal Digital Assistant (ANP)
PDF – portable document format (PDF)
PEMD – Program for Export Market Development (PDME)
PEMD-I – Program for Export Market Development — Investment (PDME-I)
PERD – Program of Energy Research and Development (PRDE)
PIM – Prior Information memorandum (DIP)
PIN – Personal Identification Number (NIP)
PIPEDAPersonal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (LPRPDE)
PITF – Personal Insolvency Task Force (GTIP)
PKI – Public Key Infrastructure (ICP)
PLT – Patent Law Treaty (TDB)
PMA – Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence (PPM)
PMO – Prime Minister's Office (CPM)
PMPRB – Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (CEPMB)
PNG – Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
POL – Policy Sector (PIS)
POPs – persistent organic pollutants (POP)
POR – Public Opinion Research (ROP)
PPD – Patent Policy Directorate (DPB)
PPF – Public Policy Forum (FPP)
PPI – public-private infrastructures (IPP)
PPP – purchasing-power parity (PPA)
PQQ – Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (QSP)
PR – Patent Rules (RB)
PRAS – Planning, Reporting and Accountability Structure (SPRR)
PRECARN – Pre-Competitive Applied Research Network (now called Precarn) (PRECARN)
PRI – Personal Record Identifier (CIDP)
PSC – Public Sector Comparator (CSP)
PS/HRMS – PeopleSoft/Human Resource Management System (SGRH/PS)
PSTN – public switched telephone network (RPCT)
PVC – polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
PWGSC – Public Works and Government Services Canada (TPSGC)
PWD – Persons with Disabilities (PH)


QMS – quality management systems (SMQ)
QP – Question Period (PQ)


RARadiocommunication Act (LR)
RABC – Radio Advisory Board of Canada (CCCR)
RAC – Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)
RBAF – Risk-Based Audit Framework (CVAR)
R&D – research and development (R-D)
REL – Radio Equipment List (NMR)
REXD – Regional Executive Director (DER)
RFEOI – Request for Expression of Interest (RFEOI)
RFP – request for proposal (DP)
RFQ – Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
RIAS – Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RÉIR)
RIC – Radiocommunication Information Circular (CIR)
RMAF – Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework (CGRR)
ROI – return on investment (RCI)
R&P – Right and Privilege (D et P)
RPPReport on Plans and Priorities (RPP)
RSA – Related Scientific Activity (ASC)
RSS – Radio Standards Specifications (CNR)
RTN – Regional Trade Network (RCR)


SAGEScience Advice for Government Effectiveness (ASEG)
SAGIT – Sectoral Advisory Group on International Trade (GCSCE)
SAM – Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing (SFP)
SARS – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SRAS)
SAW – surface acoustic wave (SAW)
SBDAs – science-based departments and agencies (MOVS)
SBLASmall Business Loans Act (LPPE)
SBP – Small Business Profiles (PPE)
SBPB – Small Business Policy Branch (DGPPE)
SC – Student Connections (EBB)
SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
SCC – Standards Council of Canada (CCN)
SCFs – Sector Competitiveness Frameworks (CCS)
SCMO – Subsidiary Communication Multiplex Operation (EMCS)
SCP – Student Connection Program (EBB)
SD – sustainable development (DD)
SDCC – Sustainable Development Coordinating Committee (CCDD)
SDI – Supplier Development Initiative (IDRF)
SDinfo – Sustainable Development Information System (SDinfo)
SDR – software-defined radio (RRL)
SDS – Sustainable Development Strategy (SDD)
SDTF – Sustainable Development Technology Fund (FATDD)
SEA – Strategic Environmental Assessment (EES)
SEED – Spectrum E-Services E-Commerce Delivery (SEED)
SFF – Structured Financing Facility (MFS)
SFT – Speech from the Throne (DDT)
SIB – Service Industries Branch (DGIS)
SIC – Standard Industrial Classification (CTI)
SICEAI – Softwood Industry and Community Economic Adjustment Initiative (SICEAI)
SIMAC – Shipbuilding and Industrial Marine Advisory Committee (CCCNMI)
SIT – Satellite Interactive Terminal (TSI)
SITT – Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications (STIT)
SKU – Stock Keeping Unit (UGS)
SMEs – small and medium-sized enterprises (PME)
SME-FDI – SME Financing Data Initiative (PRF-PME)
SMS – short message service (SMS)
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
SNAB – SchoolNet National Advisory Board (CCNR)
SNN – SchoolNet News Network (RDR)
SOA – Special Operating Agency (OSS)
SOA – standing offer agreement (COC)
SOW – statement of work (DDP)
SPC – Senior Policy Committee (CSP)
SPC – Statistical Process Control (CSP)
SP&P – Strategic Planning and Policy Branch (PS&P)
SQC – Statistical Quality Control (CSQ)
SR&ED – scientific research and experimental development (RS&DE)
SRSP – Standard Radio System Plan (PNRH)
SSHRC – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (CRSH)
SSL – Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
S&T – science and technology (S-T)
STEPSScience and Technology Excellence in the Public Service (ESTFP)
SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (FFPM)
SYAB – SchoolNet Youth Advisory Board (CCJR)


TAC – Technical Acceptance Certificates (CAT)
TAFL – Technical and Administrative Frequency Lists (LTAF)
TAPAC – Terminal Attachment Program Advisory Committee (CCPRT)
TB – Technical Bulletins (BT)
TBS – Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (SCT)
TBT – Technical Barriers to Trade (OTC)
TCI – Team Canada Inc (ÉCI)
TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
TDD – telecommunication device for the deaf (ATM)
TEAM – Technology Early Action Measures (TEAM)
TEL – Terminal Equipment List (NMT)
TEMIC – Telecommunications Executive Management Institute of Canada (TEMIC)
TFP – Total Factor Productivity (PTF)
TPC – Technology Partnerships Canada (PTC)
TQM – Total Quality Management (GQT)
TR – Trade-marks Regulations (RMC)
TRAMS Agreement – Agreement on trade-related aspects of anti-competitive measures (Accord sur les MAC)
TRC – Telecommunications Regulation Circulars (CRT)
TRIUMF – TRI-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF)
TRIPS – Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (ADPIC)
TRM – Technology Roadmap (CRT)
TSA – Tourism Satellite Account (CST)
TSACC – Telecommunications Standards Advisory Council of Canada (CCCNT)
TSR – Trade Sector Review (ESC)
TTCAD – Trade Team Canada Aerospace and Defence (ÉCCAD)
TTCE – Trade Team Canada Environment (ÉCCE)
TTCS – Trade Team Canada Sectors (ESCC)
TTY – teletypewriter (ATS)


UAAGUser Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG)
UD – universal design (CU)
UN – United Nations (ONU)
UNCTAD – United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (CNUCED)
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
ULCC – Uniform Law Conference of Canada (CHLC)
UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (CCNUCC)
UPC – Universal Product Code (CUP)
UPS – uninterruptible power supply (ASI)
URL – Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
USRA – Undergraduate Student Research Awards (BRPC)
UWB – ultra-wideband (UWB)


VFM – Value for Money (OR)
VNRIs – voluntary non-regulatory initiatives (IVNR)
VOC – volatile organic compounds (COV)
VPN – Virtual Private Network (RPV)
VTC – Virtual Trade Commissioner (DCV)


W3C – World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
WAI – Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
WAN – Wide Area Network (RE)
WAP – Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
WARC – World Administrative Radio Conference (CAMR)
WCAGWeb Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
WCS – Wireless Communication Service (STSF)
WEF – World Economic Forum (FEM)
WG – Working Group (GT)
WHMIS – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (SIMDUT)
WHO – World Health Organization (OMS)
WIN Exports – World Information Network for Exports (Exportations WIN)
WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization (OMPI)
WISELAB – Wireless and Inter-networking Systems Experimentation Laboratory (WISELAB)
WMAWeights and Measures Act (LPM)
WPS – wireless priority service (SPSF)
WSIS – World Summit on the Information Society (SMSI)
WSSD – World Summit on Sustainable Development (SMDD)
WTO – World Trade Organization (OMC)


XDOs – External Delivery Organizations (OSE)


Y2K – Year 2000 (A2K)
YEI – Youth Employment Initiative (PEJ)
YES – Youth Employment Strategy (SEJ)
YI – CAP Youth Initiative (IJ)


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Date Modified: 2006-12-08 Top of Page Important Notices