Member States

WIPO’s strategic direction, budget and activities are determined by its Member States, who meet in the Assemblies, Committees and other decision making bodies.

The 183 current Member States and a note on admission criteria are below.

Click on a Member State for information on membership of the different WIPO treaties; national IP legislation; contact details of IP Offices; country profile, and more:

* Afghanistan * Albania * Algeria
* Andorra * Angola * Antigua and Barbuda
* Argentina * Armenia * Australia
* Austria * Azerbaijan * Bahamas
* Bahrain * Bangladesh * Barbados
* Belarus * Belgium * Belize
* Benin * Bhutan * Bolivia
* Bosnia and Herzegovina * Botswana * Brazil
* Brunei Darussalam * Bulgaria * Burkina Faso
* Burundi * Cambodia * Cameroon
* Canada * Cape Verde * Central African Republic
* Chad * Chile * China
* Colombia * Comoros * Congo
* Costa Rica * Côte d'Ivoire * Croatia
* Cuba * Cyprus * Czech Republic
* Democratic People's Republic of Korea * Democratic Republic of the Congo * Denmark
* Djibouti * Dominica * Dominican Republic
* Ecuador * Egypt * El Salvador
* Equatorial Guinea * Eritrea * Estonia
* Ethiopia * Fiji * Finland
* France * Gabon * Gambia
* Georgia * Germany * Ghana
* Greece * Grenada * Guatemala
* Guinea * Guinea-Bissau * Guyana
* Haiti * Holy See * Honduras
* Hungary * Iceland * India
* Indonesia * Iran (Islamic Republic of) * Iraq
* Ireland * Israel * Italy
* Jamaica * Japan * Jordan
* Kazakhstan * Kenya * Kuwait
* Kyrgyzstan * Lao People's Democratic Republic * Latvia
* Lebanon * Lesotho * Liberia
* Libyan Arab Jamahiriya * Liechtenstein * Lithuania
* Luxembourg * Madagascar * Malawi
* Malaysia * Maldives * Mali
* Malta * Mauritania * Mauritius
* Mexico * Monaco * Mongolia
* Morocco * Mozambique * Myanmar
* Namibia * Nepal * Netherlands
* New Zealand * Nicaragua * Niger
* Nigeria * Norway * Oman
* Pakistan * Panama * Papua New Guinea
* Paraguay * Peru * Philippines
* Poland * Portugal * Qatar
* Republic of Korea * Republic of Moldova * Romania
* Russian Federation * Rwanda * Saint Kitts and Nevis
* Saint Lucia * Saint Vincent and the Grenadines * Samoa
* San Marino * Sao Tome and Principe * Saudi Arabia
* Senegal * Serbia * Seychelles
* Sierra Leone * Singapore * Slovakia
* Slovenia * Somalia * South Africa
* Spain * Sri Lanka * Sudan
* Suriname * Swaziland * Sweden
* Switzerland * Syrian Arab Republic * Tajikistan
* Thailand * The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia * Togo
* Tonga * Trinidad and Tobago * Tunisia
* Turkey * Turkmenistan * Uganda
* Ukraine * United Arab Emirates * United Kingdom
* United Republic of Tanzania * United States of America * Uruguay
* Uzbekistan * Venezuela * Viet Nam
* Yemen * Zambia * Zimbabwe

Admission Criteria

To become a member, a state must deposit an instrument of ratification or accession with the Director General of WIPO.

The WIPO Convention provides that membership is open to any state that:

(i) is a member of the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property, or of the Berne Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works;
(ii) or is a member of the United Nations, or of any of the United Nations' Specialized Agencies, or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, or that is a party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice;
(iii) or is invited by the WIPO General Assembly to become a Member State of the Organization.

Members and Observers