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CMHC for Aboriginal November 2006

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2005 Canadian Housing Observer

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Proposal Development Funding

Proposal Development Funding is an interest free repayable loan available to eligible Band Councils to assist in the development of project proposals for the Section 95 On-Reserve Non Profit Housing Program.

Who is eligible to apply?

All First Nations are eligible to apply.

How does the program work?

Proposal Development Funding (PDF) loans are made between CMHC and Band Councils and are secured by a Promissory Note. The First Nation will identify activities (i.e. environmental site assessments, soil tests, unit designs and specifications) and associated costs necessary for them to develop a project proposal. The level of activities necessary will depend on the scope of the intended project, as well as the available technical/managerial resources of the First Nation Community.

The actual amount of PDF assistance provided will depend on the scope of the proposed project and the resources available to the community. The maximum PDF loan is $75,000, plus 3% of any project costs in excess of $500,000.

Where can I get more information?

Contact the local CMHC office