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Western Canada


Head Office 1-800-472-9784

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Your Warranty Is Backed By The Best

National Home Warranty has been serving the needs of western Canadian homebuyers for over 16 years. The best builders in western Canada are covered under National Home Warranty. A shared commitment to quality is what sets National and its builders apart from the competition.

Homeowner's Warranty Coverage
British Columbia


Quality begins on
 a foundation
of trust

New Calgary Office!

We at National Home Warranty are pleased to announce the opening of our new Calgary office!

As of November 13th, you will be able to find our staff located at:

A201, 1600-90 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2V 5A8

Our phone and fax numbers remain the same:
Phone: 403.278.5665
Fax: 403.278.5551

Million Dollar Home Applications - New Rate Policy
National Home Warranty is consistently striving to provide you – our valued builders – with solutions that will benefit your business. We are committed to finding new and improved ways of doing business with our builder members.

We are therefore, pleased to present you with new guidelines for homes where the cost of construction is $1,000,000 and above.
Million Dollar Home


Discovery Bay Information

Questions and Answers
Questions Regarding Homeowners Insurance
or Renewals?
The National Perspective

Fall Newsletter

NHWP Member Builders
Update your contact information displayed in our Builder's Directory
Member-Builder Bulletins
New services, updates and warranty information for Member Builders.
Regional Offices
Quick links to mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers for your province.

          ©National Home Warranty Programs Ltd.