Canadian Flag

of Canada

du Canada

Government of Canada Wordmark
Canadian Flag Printer FriendlyPrinter Friendly


This page is intended to make your navigation of the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations web site easier. Browsing this site is assisted by the use of the top navigation bar and the left side menu.


Links have been coded into the top of the page to aid screen reading software in skipping over the menus. These "Skip Navigation" links are found immediately following the Government of Canada graphic. The first link will take you to the start of the content on the page, skipping all navigation at the top and the side. The link that follows skips over only the top navigation and brings you to the side sub-menu.

While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accessibility of this site, some content or services found here might be inaccessible to some visitors. In those circumstances, the contact information for someone who can assist you has been provided.


If you are unable to locate the information you require, please contact us.

Hyperlinks on this Site

There are four types of hyperlinks on this site. They can be distinguished by the symbols/icons and alternate text that is associated with each:

  1. red maple leaf    The maple leaf image represents a link to another Government of Canada Internet site. The text that will be voiced when this symbol is present is "External link to a Government of Canada site - A new browser window will open".

  2. globe    The globe image represents links to an external site on the World Wide Web. The text that will be voiced when this symbol is present is "External link to a non-Government of Canada site - A new browser window will open".

  3. When no symbol follows the link it is considered to be an internal link. An internal link connects to another part of the main departmental site.

NOTE: If a hyperlink takes you off the SDW web site, a new browser window will open.

Important Notices