Helping Consumers for 50 years and counting!

What is CAC Manitoba?
The Consumers' Association of Canada is an independent, non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to educating and informing consumers and to representing the best intrests of consumers to all levels of goverment and to all sectors of society. Established in 1947, CAC Manitoba is governed by an elected Board of Directors. We strive to empower consumers to make informed choices by providing access to resource information and other educational material as well as acting as a referral agency.

Where is CAC Manitoba?
Consumer Association of Canada, Manitoba Branch
21-222 Osborne Street South
Winnipeg, MB
R3L 1Z3
Toll Free: 1-888-596-0900 (Manitoba only)
Tel: (204) 452-2572
Fax: (204) 284-1876
Last Updated July 17, 2002
© 2001 Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba)