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Links to publications of interest to MSO users

Marine Safety Publications
The Marine Safety Directorate of Transport Canada presents a number of documents. Titles include Training Program in Marine First Aid and Marine Medical Care, Survival in Cold Waters, and Recommended Code of Nautical Procedures and Practices. Choose from dozens of other marine safety topics.

Ship Safety Bulletins
Ship Safety Bulletins provide safety information, guidelines, product warnings and instructions. The most recent publication and an archive dating back to 1977 are available. Search options include year, title, keyword and bulletin number.

Marine Safety Review Newsletter
The Marine Safety Review Newsletter is published by the Marine Safety Directorate of Transport Canada. The newsletter keeps the maritime community informed about marine legislation, relevant research, projects and events. Previous issues are also available.

Boating Safety Bulletins

Boating Safety Publications
A variety of boating safety publications ranging from A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the New Canadian Boating Laws to Protecting The Aquatic Environment - A Boaters Guide and many others.

Fisheries and Oceans Reports and Publications

Environment Canada Publications

Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR)
Notices to Mariners confirm changes that have occurred and allow mariners to maintain their respective charts and related nautical publications up-to-date. In addition to informing mariners of navigational hazards, Notices to Mariners also provides information and updates on regulations and procedures governing vessel entry and transit of Canadian waters. This site also offers a web-based registration service which permits users to register nautical charts in their possession.

Radio Aids to Marine Navigation (RAMN)
This publication presents information on radio communications and radio navigational aid services as well as facilities which contribute to the safety of shipping in Canadian waters.Every ship station fitted on a Canadian ship, and on a non-Canadian ship engaged in the coasting trade of Canada, pursuant to the Ship Station Technical Regulations is mandated to carry the current applicable edition of RAMN.

Icebreaking Publications

Search and Rescue Publications

Canadian Transportation Research Gateway
The Canadian Transportation Research Gateway was launched at the end of September 2004 and is now available at:

The Gateway is a comprehensive, annotated, bilingual collection of web-based resources on the subject of transportation in Canada. It is intended to provide researchers, students, government and industry with convenient access to evaluated Canadian transportation research resources through a single website.

A History of the Canadian Coast Guard and Marine Services


Last updated: 2006-09-22 Top of Page Important Notices