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Transport Canada > Backgrounders


Transport Canada takes its role in protecting the marine environment seriously. Marine polluters have often been successfully prosecuted in the past, and will continue to be charged under the Canada Shipping Act for ship-source marine pollution.

However, Transport Canada believes that prevention is the best solution to the problem of ship-source marine pollution, and that education is the best prevention tool. Transport Canada, in cooperation with other Government of Canada agencies, is working at educating the marine and fishing industries in order to prevent ship-source marine pollution.

Some of the activities that have been carried out by Transport Canada to educate the marine industry include:

  • the development of a poster and brochure outlining the Government of Canada’s firm intention to prosecute all ship-source marine polluters. These products, published in the eight major languages spoken by the mariners visiting our ports, are distributed during Port State Control inspections by Transport Canada Marine Safety Inspectors. The message emphasizes that being caught polluting in Canadian waters can result in significant penalties not only against the vessel but also against them as individuals.
  • the creation of a website,, where the name of all successfully prosecuted vessels are published. The website also contains the latest news on Government of Canada activities in the prevention of ship-source marine pollution. Statistical monitoring indicates that this website is now well visited - internationally.
  • the presentation of facts on ship-source marine pollution to industry stakeholders and partners during various committee meetings or conferences, such as the Canadian Marine Advisory Council, the Regional Advisory Council on Oil Spill Response and others.
  • the participation of Transport Canada staff at national and international marine industry conferences and meetings. Whenever there is an opportunity, Transport Canada’s marine pollution prevention activities and objectives are discussed and promoted.
  • radio contact with vessels over flown by Transport Canada air pollution patrols to advise that they are being monitored.
  • combined aerial/ground surveillance of small harbours in the Maritime provinces and local meetings to advise communities of Transport Canada findings.
  • seeking out any opportunities to educate the marine industry on the prevention of ship-source marine pollution. Prevention through education remains Transport Canada’s long-term objective.

December 2006

Last updated: 2006-11-30 Top of Page Important Notices