On November 24, 2006, Mr. C.T. (Manny) Jules was appointed Chief Commissioner of the First Nations Tax Commission by the Government of Canada.  The appointment was also announced by the Indian Taxation Advisory Board, where Mr. Jules currently serves as Chairman. 


The First Nation-led First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act was passed by Parliament on March 23, 2005.  The Act creates a successor institution to the Indian Taxation Advisory Board. The First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC) will be established in statute and take its place alongside three other First Nations institutions: a finance authority; financial management board; and statistical institute.

The FNTC will be available for those First Nations who choose to use its services. It will be responsible for the development and regulation of the First Nations property tax system. In carrying out this role, it will work with First Nations, other First Nations institutions, the federal, provincial and local governments.

The FNTC will help create a property tax system that is administratively efficient, harmonized with the rest of the country and fair to on-reserve taxpayers. To realize this vision, it will set administrative standards, regulate matters pertaining to its property tax mandate, enforce these regulations, mediate disputes and act on behalf of the collective interest of First Nations tax administrations.

It is currently Ten Times Harder to create jobs and wealth on First Nations land than anywhere else in the country.  The First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act aims to begin to correct this problem.  It represents a positive step for a better future for all First Nations. This also means, as a First Nations-led initiative, we are no longer talking about change, we are making it a reality.

On October 19, 2006, the Government of Canada began the selection process to find suitable candidates to serve as Commissioners on the FNTC.  For more information, click here:   http://www.fnfi.ca/gic-appts.phtml