Symbol of the Government of Canada

Massage parlours targeted in sex trade round-up

December 08, 2006 (OTTAWA) – The Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, issued the following statement to commend a cooperative law enforcement operation in British Columbia that has targeted alleged organized crime prostitution rings with possible links to human trafficking.

This joint operation was carried out in several communities in the Lower Mainland. Eighteen massage parlours suspected of operating as a front for the sex trade were raided. One hundred and eight people were arrested of which over 70 were female. Because of the nature of the operation, the participation of Victim Response Teams was requested to help possible victims of human trafficking.

“Our new government has zero tolerance for those who engage in human trafficking. Such deplorable activity demonstrates no respect for human dignity. I commend our law enforcement agencies for their exemplary work in bringing this case to a successful conclusion.

The RCMP and local police forces have worked together with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Canada Border Services Agency plus other community partners. It is thanks to their dedication, perseverance and sensitivity that we were able to expose these operations, help victims in need, and halt criminals in their tracks.”

For further information:

Mélisa Leclerc
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Stockwell Day
Minister of Public Safety