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Marine Pollution Prevention Home

What's New

New aerial surveillance equipment now operating over Eastern Canada.

July 31, 2006 - $25,000 fine for marine polluter

Public Consultations on Risk Assessment Study - South Coast of Newfoundland and Labrador




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Site Specifications

Your system should be configured to display at least 256 colours in 640x480 resolution or higher. Your web browser should be capable of displaying tables, handling electronic forms, displaying graphic images, and support all HTML extensions. A minimal connection of 28,800 BPS is also recommended.


Every page on the web site has the same common look and feel to ensure that you can easily travel from program to program.

The Header

The header is the same on all pages, it allows quick and easy access to the various sections of our site.

  • Français: Toggles the current page you are viewing between English and French.
  • Contact us: Contact names and phone numbers.
  • Search: Shows a sitemap so you can easily access the information.
  • Help: Shows how to navigate our site and the specifications.
  • Canada Site: Takes you out of the MPP web site to the Government of Canada web site.
  • Home: Takes you to the main menu of the MPP web site.
  • Enforcement: Takes you to the list ofÊ offenders and some statistics on prosecutions.
  • Environmental Impact: Takes you to the photo gallery and information on Waste Reception companies in our Region.
  • Regulations: Takes you to links of regulations governing prevention of marine pollution.
  • Related Links: Takes you to other related sites.

The Sidebar

A sidebar menu appears in each window and allows you to navigate the site with ease. Use the sidebar to jump between various sections of the site you are in.


Marine Pollution Prevention web site navigation News Partnering Departments Regulations Surveillance Prosecutions Emergency Response Environmental Impact Waste Disposal Photo Gallery Publications Related Links Home ship cleaning pollution