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About FNNBOA Member Login

First Nations National Building Officers Association (FNNBOA) is a national nonprofit organization. It represents those individuals who provide residential, commercial and institutional construction and renovation technical services (i.e., plans review, inspections, recommending repairs, technical advocacy and advisory role) for buildings located in First Nation/Aboriginal communities. There are approximately 250 to 300 employed in this sector.

Download “FNNBOA_in_Brief” (89k PDF), a one page document summarizing FNNBOA and it’s role in
the community.

Click here for a more indepth look at FNNBOA.

It’s here. The FNNBOA store is open and ready to take your orders.

An online store will be coming in the future, but for now, simply download the clothing order form and start shopping.

FNNBOA Clothing
Partners & Sponsors

Partnership development is extremely important in today's complex world, regardless of whether your interests lie in finance, education, health or building homes. Partnerships are critical, particularly so to a new organization, with ambitions like the FNNBOA. More information on our partners and sponsors can be found here.

Not a member? Why not join now! Click “Login” to enter the secure area.

News & Events

NEW! - FNNBOA’s Fall 2006 Newsletter is here - The fall 2006 issue brings with it a fresh look that’s easier to read. Topics in this issue include stories on governance and housing bylaws, objective-based codes, on-line training and several FNNBOA member profiles. Additionally, Eagle Eyes on Housing looks at indoor air quality and crawl spaces.

Members! View the FNNBOA presentations from Health Canada’s “Housing for Health!” conference in our private “Members” section.

CMHC Request for Standing Offer - Aboriginal Inspection Services for CMHC BC. Learn more ...

FNNBOA Regions
Map of Canada: FNNBOA RegionsThe Territories RegionBritish Columbia RegionThe Prairies RegionOntario RegionQuebec RegionThe Maritimes Region

The FNNBOA network is broken up into six specific regions covering British Columbia, the Territories, the Prairies, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.

 Funding Sponsors

CHMC - Funding Sponsor

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

National Resources Canada 

Health Canada

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First Nations National Building Officers Association
Attn: Keith Maracle
5717 Old Hwy #2 | P.O. Box 219
Shannonville, Ontario | K0K 3AO
Tel (519) 671-4889
a taybridge.communications inc. project