Small Business BC Helpful Websites

Looking for helpful business websites?

At Small Business BC, we realize that as an entrepreneur you will be challenged to find up-to-date, accurate information in a variety of areas that influence your business. To help focus your search, and save you time and energy, we suggest the following guides and websites to further your knowledge in business topics and issues.

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BC Stats

BC Stats is the central statistical agency of the Province of British Columbia. They have the provincial government's largest concentration of statistical products, services and expertise.

BC Stats: Neighbourhood Income and Demographics

How many males earn over $100,000 in your neighbourhood? These tables are sorted by Forward Sortation Area (FSA). The FSA represents a geographic area that corresponds to the first three characters of a postal code.

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada publishes a wide variety of information on economic and social condition in Canada.


Strategis is probably the most comprehensive source of Canadian market and business information. There are several hundred thousand documents available.

Vancouver Public Library

If you have a Vancouver Public Library card, you have access to VPL's Electronic Resources where you can access periodical databases (CBCA, Canadian Newsdisc, EBSCO), an association listing (Community Organizational Database), and more.