Special Rapporteur's Meeting

Rights & Democracy hosted an International Expert Seminar on Best Practices for the Implementation of the Recommendations of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People. This seminar, held in Montreal from October 5 to October 7, 2006, was organized in collaboration with the Special Rapporteur.

The seminar addressed the implementation of the Special Rapporteur’s recommendations arising from his visits and missions in several countries ( Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico, the Philippines, Chile, Ecuador, South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand) and from thematic reports: the impact of major development projects, education, justice, and the implementation of national and regional legislation.

Among the most salient conclusions stemming from the seminar was the importance of these reports as benchmarking and lobbying tools for Indigenous and human rights organizations. Visits by the Rapporteur also provide opportunities for Indigenous organizations to coordinate their work so as to build a common strategy for dealing with governments. The latter rarely play the role of architects in the implementation of recommendations, and therefore, in the end, organizations must assume responsibility for demanding implementation.

Thematic recommendations are useful as reference tools and frameworks for thinking and discussion related to the programming of UN or regional agencies and institutions.

The recommendations of the Special Rapporteur constitute a framework, a roadmap, or a tool for benchmarking or discussion. Not all recommendations are alike, and not all of them can be part of an immediate implementation plan. However, they do have an impact on governments and on other national, regional, and international players and institutions.

Before the end of his mandate (June 2007), the Special Rapporteur will present a report on this seminar to the Human Rights Council, and a publication will be produced for 2007 by Rights & Democracy, IWGIA (International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs), Tebtebba, and the Canadian Friends Services Committee.

Two documents that assess the Special Rapporteur’s visits to the Philippines and to Chile were made available to participants in the seminar and soon can be consulted in three languages (French, English, and Spanish) via the links given below. We will make the Special Rapporteur’s report available on this page as soon as it is submitted to the Human Rights Council.

Available documents

Report on Chile


Special Rapporteur's meeting

Special Rapporteur Rodolfo Stavenhagen and former vice-president to the Saami Parliament in Norway Ragnhild Nystad

Special Rapporteur Rodolfo Stavenhagen and former vice-president to the Saami Parliament in Norway Ragnhild Nystad

Meeting at Rights & Democracy
Meeting at Rights & Democracy

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