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  Canada Centre for Cadastral Management
Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Canada Centre for Cadastral Management
About Us


The Canada Centre for Cadastral Management – formerly known as the Legal Surveys Division - is a part of Geomatics Canada in the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada.

The primary role of the Canada Centre for Cadastral Management is to assume national leadership in cadastral and property rights management. This role comes from statutory responsibilities which are entrusted to the Surveyor General of Canada by virtue of the Canada Lands Surveys Act, on the one hand, and his role as Commissioner of the International Boundary Commission, on the other hand. Our vision and our legislative responsibility are delivered through the services to government that we manage and the programs established by the Earth Sciences Sector to which we contribute. As a centre of expertise in cadastral management, we provide strategic leadership, human resources and the expertise necessary for the proper operation of these programs.

We are recognized for our contribution to sustainable development, strong and safe communities, and the development of the North and Aboriginal people. We do this by providing national leadership for a reliable and flexible property rights infrastructure on Canada Lands and for the maintenance of the International Boundary.


Traditional cadastral models are directed at the management of immovable property for taxation purposes and/or the transfer of property rights. The cadastral survey, which consists of determining and establishing the limits of property, constitutes the foundation of this cadastral model and is the primary mandate of the Surveyor General of Canada Lands. This cadastral model is now in transition to meet the changing needs and demands of society from a sustainable development perspective.

The Canada Centre for Cadastral Management uses the most recent research and technical developments in the field of cadastral management. Our Centre focuses on utilizing our expertise to enable the existing cadastral systems to progressively move towards an integrated approach. Our long-term vision is that all Canadians benefit from an integrated cadastral infrastructure on Canada Lands, including the offshore. This will facilitate decision-making that will ensure a sustainable economy and contribute to Canada's sovereignty. Working in partnership with provincial and territorial governments, other federal ministries and the private sector, the Canada Centre for Cadastral Management is becoming the hub of a network intended to develop and maintain effective and modern cadastral infrastructures for the benefit of all Canadians.

In the short term, we envisage that the cadastral management functions of the survey system on Canada Lands will become more integrated with the other components of the land regimes currently supported by the system. This vision also includes an offshore component, the objective being that the framework for a maritime cadastre be in place by early 2009.

The goal of the Canada Centre for Cadastral Management is to achieve and sustain a survey system that is recognized as a model of flexibility, integrity and innovation that can be used as a best practice example for Cadastral Reform around the world. As well, the Centre will continue to ensure, in association with our American colleagues, the definition and demarcation of the border between Canada and the United States. The Earth Sciences Sector will be recognized as a centre of excellence for cadastral and boundary systems.


About 500,000 people (mostly First Nations and Inuit) live on Canada Lands. Various property rights systems, such as the Indian Lands Registry and the territorial land titles systems are based on the Canada Lands Surveys system.

Our main objective is to provide the land survey component of the property rights infrastructure to local communities, in support of peaceful occupation and orderly and unimpeded land-based sustainable economic development. Together with the other components of the property rights infrastructure (land interest registration and land management regimes), the Canada Lands Survey system forms the basis for secure land tenure.

Last Updated:2005-10-03 Important Notices
Canada Centre for Cadastral Management
(formerly known as Legal Surveys Division)