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Table of Contents

  • Consultation on amendments to Self-Government Legislation
  • LSCSGA amendment
  • Amending the LSCSGA to incorporate more favourable provisions
  • Review of LSCSGA within five years of the Effective Date
  • Amendment of an invalid provision of the LSCSGA
  • Amendment of an invalid provision of the Self-Government Legislation
  • Conflict of laws issues
  • Capacity, rights, powers and privileges of LSCFN
  • Establishment of governing bodies
  • Establishment and implementation of LSCFN financial reporting system
  • Challenging the validity of LSCFN laws and quashing invalid LSCFN laws
  • Transfer to LSCFN of monies held by Canada for use and benefit of LSCFN
  • Delegation of LSCFN powers
  • Delegation of powers to LSCFN
  • Enactment of LSCFN laws
  • Exercise of Emergency powers on and off Settlement Lands
  • Identification of areas in which laws of LSCFN shall prevail over federal Laws of General Application
  • Yukon Consultation with LSCFN on a Law of General Application
  • LSCFN Consultation with Yukon on a LSCFN law
  • Declaration where a Yukon Law of General Application ceases to apply to the LSCFN, its Citizens or Settlement Land
  • Parties to negotiate administration of justice agreement
  • Interim arrangements for administration of justice
  • Enactment of LSCFN laws in relation to taxation
  • Negotiations on coordination of taxation
  • Sharing of tax room in respect of property taxes
  • Recommendation of Legislation to provide taxation powers or exemptions
  • Payment by LSCFN to taxing authority of an amount equivalent to Property Taxes
  • Assistance to LSCFN with payment of the amounts referred to in 14.9
  • Withdrawal of delivery of services for non-payment after two years of the amounts referred to in 14.9
  • LSCFN performing a function of government for the purpose of paragraph 149(l)(c) of the Income Tax Act. S.C. 1970-71-72,c. 63
  • Taxation of LSCFN "subsidiaries"
  • Negotiation of terms of a new LSCFTA
  • Negotiation of assumption of responsibilities by LSCFN
  • Government of Yukon financial contributions
  • Consideration of revenue capacity associated with tax base
  • Establishment and maintenance of a register of laws
  • Establishment of a central registry of constitutions and laws
  • Development of a list of LSCFN Citizens
  • Preparation, maintenance and publishing of LSCFN accounts
  • Resolution of dispute over the terms of the LSCFTA
  • Resolution of dispute in program or service transfer negotiations, or over contributions of the Yukon
  • Resolution of dispute not covered by LSCSGA 24.1 or 24.2
  • Dispute resolution with respect to compatible land use
  • Agreements to provide for municipal or local government services, joint planning, zoning or other land use control
  • Establishment of common administrative and planning structures
  • Exercise of powers to enact laws as described in Part 2 of Appendix B
  • Negotiations to establish a regime for the ownership, management and administration of land recognized or set apart for LSCFN pursuant to LSCFA (b)

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan (430 Kb) in PDF format.

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  Mise à jour : 2004-04-23 haut de la page Avis Importants