Trade Team BC is a group of 25 export-service organizations in British Columbia and the Yukon. Trade Team BC provides information, programs and services to companies looking to expand internationally into new export markets.

Our members include federal, provincial and local agencies who can help Canadian businesses establish new markets outside Canada, and capture international trade opportunities. Our members offer a wide range of services, including business seminars to educate new exporters, information on exciting opportunities in new markets, and valuable tips on international trade and doing business as an exporter. Whether you're considering exporting for the first time, growing your market share or expanding your already lucrative business into promising new markets, our members can help you get the information you need to succeed.

Trade Team BC Partners:
Trade Team BC members can help with:
export preparation and skills development
market intelligence
information on trade missions, fairs and business seminars
export financing and insurance
international business and marketing assistance
contacts in foreign markets
pathfinding for export programs and services