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Building international awareness on Aboriginal issues

CPJ is proud to announce a powerful report which points the way to possible new strategies for breaking the logjam on aboriginal rights in Canada. Building International Awareness on Aboriginal issues, by researcher and Aboriginal rights activist Ann Pohl, outlines how aboriginal rights are not respected in Canada. After noting that Canada is built on a "crooked foundation", it looks at some of the key factors in the current situation facing Aboriginal peoples: a poor response to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, conflicts such as Ipperwash and a lack of legal recourse. Where do we go from here? This groundbreaking report explores the viability of turning to international human rights mechanisms to bring about changes in Canadian public policy regarding Aboriginal rights. The report is being circulated to hundreds of First Nations, Aboriginal rights supporters and other key stakeholders. We invite you to join the dialogue around this paper and follow links incorporated in the report through the Aboriginal Rights Coalition's website, home.iSTAR.ca/~arc/. (The Aboriginal Rights Coalition has since become Kairos.) Released March 15, 2000.

[376 kB; pdf] l awareness on Aboriginal issues.pdf

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