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About Policy Reform Division

The CTF’s Policy Reform Division established July 1, 2006 is currently responsible for developing, clarifying and articulating national policy and advocacy in the areas of health care reform and aboriginal policy. All policy development and advocacy is consistent with the CTF’s mission statement of lower taxes, less waste and accountable government.

The CTF supports choice and sustainability in health care as it is wasteful and counterproductive to pour a never-ending flow of tax dollars into a badly flawed monopoly system. Similarly, Aboriginal issues are a growing area of public policy. Billions of tax dollars are spent each year of which little seems to be properly accounted for or find its way to people it is intended to help.

Director, Tanis Fiss

Policy Reform Division
Suite 2700-500-4th Ave SW
Calgary, AB
T2P 2V6

Ph:   1-403-263-1202
Fx:   1-403-266-5388


  • Tanis Fiss Biography