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Gala Photos Case Studies Award Winners

2006 Gala Banquet Celebration Reveals

Optimism for Canadian Competitiveness

By Norm Kirkpatrick
President and CEO, Canadian Information Productivity Awards

It was a night of national pride. Applause swept the convention centre ballroom repeatedly as executives from across the country strode to the stage to accept awards recognizing the accomplishments of their organizations for all to emulate.

The 2006 CIPA Gala Banquet on November 1 at the Westin Harbour Castle Convention Centre in Toronto was one of the best-attended in the 14-year history of the event, with nearly 900 senior executives present. But the evening was more than a celebration, more even than the unique showcase for business excellence that is the hallmark of CIPA.

This event was a milestone in the evolution of Canadian business management. It marked a point where government executives at all levels came together with industry leaders to fully recognize the impact of the strategic application of information technology on Canadian competitiveness.

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CIPA Celebrates Breakthrough in Service Delivery to Businesses

BizPaL program honoured by Canadian Information Productivity Awards

TORONTO, November 1, 2006 – A groundbreaking IT program that is reducing the regulatory burden on small businesses and advancing the efficiency of government service delivery has received one of the top business awards in Canada.

The Canadian Information Productivity Awards (CIPA) conferred the Diamond Award of Excellence for its 2006 competition on a federal government program named BizPaL, which provides an online service that identifies the specific permits and licences required from all levels of government to either start or expand a business.

“BizPaL is a historic advancement in government service delivery and exemplifies what innovation means to Canada’s economy,” said Norm Kirkpatrick, President and CEO of CIPA. “The technological advance made by BizPaL, enabling all levels of government to share information and deliver it at one point of contact, will ultimately produce incalculable savings for all Canadians. This is a turning point well worth celebrating.”

Administered by the BizPaL Secretariat of Industry Canada, and available as a service offered on the Web sites of participating municipalities, the program is rapidly spreading across the country. Its innovative technology enables all levels of government to seamlessly display to businesses both their own data and the relevant data of other partners. This not only reduces the paperwork burden on businesses but provides a model for all levels of government in collaboratively improving services to the one taxpayer they all serve.

CIPA, Canada’s oldest and largest awards program in the field of information technology, presented a total of 24 awards for excellence before a black-tie audience of almost 900 senior executives from across Canada during the 14th annual CIPA Gala Banquet, the largest celebration of IT-based innovation in Canada.

For the complete article, click here.

CIPA Gala Reception 2006

GlaxoSmithKline Executive Named as CIO of the Year

CIO Canada and CIPA recognize Sav DiPasquale for international leadership

Sav DiPasqualeTORONTO, November 1, 2006 – A senior executive of GlaxoSmithKline in Canada whose achievements have raised the international stature of the company is the 2006 CIO Canada CIO of the Year.

Sav DiPasquale, Vice President, Information Technology and Chief Information Officer for GlaxoSmithKline Inc., received the award at the 14th annual Gala Banquet of the Canadian Information Productivity Awards (CIPA).

The CIO of the Year award is bestowed by CIPA and CIO Canada, a publication of IT World Canada, for inspirational leadership in the strategic application of information and communications technologies to transform organizations.

John Pickett, Vice President and Editorial Director at IT World Canada, said: “Sav DiPasquale’s leadership of the Information Technology Division of GlaxoSmithKline in Canada embodies a spirit of innovation and excellence in project and service delivery. His recognition as CIO of the Year reflects the unique contribution the CIO makes in uniting a business and raising its competitiveness.”

DiPasquale led the creation of E-Lab, an integration of work-flow and information systems at the quality-control labs of GlaxoSmithKline’s Canadian division in Mississauga, Ontario. The solution produced outstanding productivity gains. As a result, the parent pharmaceutical company based in North Carolina has given the Mississauga labs more worldwide responsibilities, resulting in significant job creation.

In addition to his CIO responsibilities, DiPasquale leads GlaxoSmithKline’s Global IT Emerging Technology Council. Its mandate includes evaluating all new information technology opportunities for their capability to give the company a global competitive advantage.

DiPasquale is also a member of the CIO Executive Council, an international peer-to-peer network of IT executives. He is known for his belief in the strategic and innovative use of information technology to generate business value and for closely aligning an organization’s IT investments to its business priorities.

He joined Glaxo Wellcome in 1996 as Director, IT Infrastructure and has been Director, IT R&D; and Technical Operations and Director, eBusiness in GlaxoSmithKline’s Marketing Division, where he was responsible for championing the use of Internet technologies to improve and transform business processes.

A computer science graduate of the University of Toronto, DiPasquale began his career in information technology more than 20 years ago at Canadian Pacific Limited.

For the complete article, click here.



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