Child Care Connection - NS
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Child Care Connection - NS

Child & Family Canada Member

An ocean of caring national cc conference 2007

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Child Care Connection Nova Scotia connects folks in the child care sector with information and resources to assist them in the work they do.

  • The On-line Resource Library lets you search our large resource library by category, to find the materials right for you;
  • the Events Calendar keeps you informed of events related to child care that occur throughout the year;
  • Resources include connections journal, publications, professional development, advocacy activities, links to child care organizations, resource centres and training programs, recognition activities, projects and office services to support you in your work; and
  • Job Posting page assists in connecting those of you looking for a job with those who are looking for staff.

We connect parents with licensed centres to assist them in finding a child care program for their children. Parents & Guardians looking for regulated child care in Nova Scotia can search Find a Child Care Program in NS where you will find a list of regulated child care programs in your area - complete with some important information.

We connect suppliers of goods and services with the Child Care Sector through marketing and sponsorship opportunities.

Child Care Connection Nova Scotia is a member of Child and Family Canada.

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In providing information and services, CCC-NS makes no representations or warranties regarding the content, and its application by users, or regarding the accessibility, reliability, or security of its services. Users are advised to use the information provided at their own risk. Users are responsible for ensuring that any information they use is appropriate for their purposes. If in doubt, users should seek the advice of a qualified professional. This disclaimer is made on behalf of CCC-NS, its administrators and any sponsors, corporations, individuals, government agencies and organizations that present information on this site.

Child Care Connection - NS

  Check out Caring Works! 2007 Caring Connection Conference & Trade Show!

  Nominate a colleague or program for an ECLC Award of Excellence!

  Visit our Library for child care information.

  Click here for a list of upcoming CCC-NS Events.

  Important and helpful child care Resources.

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