Who we are
The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC) is dedicated to promoting quality, publicly funded child care accessible to all. Our organization is non-profit, membership-based and regionally representative.

If you’re not already a member, please consider joining. Use our online form [aussi en français].

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Click here to access the CODE BLUE campaign

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Cliquer ici pour CODE BLEU

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budget 2006
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Advocates Gather on Hill for Child Care Vote

Rassemblement sur la Colline pour le vote sur les garderies
Pour publication immédiate

Early Learning and Child Care: How Does Canada Measure Up?
International Comparisons Using Data From Starting Strong II (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2006)

L’employabilité, c’est important
Les investissements publics dans les services de garde offrent de nombreux avantages en matière d'employabilité. Ce mémoire de l'ACPSGE a été présenté au Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées.

Caring About Employability
Public child care investments have tremendous employability benefits. This CCAAC brief was presented to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA).

Support a national child care act
A private members' bill that takes child care from patchwork to program needs your support. Take action today by emailing your member of parliament.

Appuyez la loi sur un programme national de garde à l’enfance
Un projet de loi d’initiative parlementaire qui ferait passer la garde d’enfants du stade d’un ensemble de mesures disparates à celui d’un véritable programme a besoin de votre appui.

Stratégie ciblée d’investissements publics : Modèle d’implantation d’un système de services de garde à l’enfance
Le modèle d'implantation du système de garderies est disponible et vise à soutenir les gouvernements et les communautés afin d'établir les coûts et de planifier l'implantation de services de garde communautaires, universels et de qualité.

Focused Public Investment Strategy: Child Care System Implementation Model
The child care system implementation model is available to support governments and communities to cost and plan the implementation of universal, quality, community-based child care services.

The Financial Reality behind the Federal Child Care Spaces Initiative: A Mismatch of Mythic Proportions
Read this CCAAC brief to see why the mismatch between the federal government’s child care spaces initiative and financial reality is of mythic proportions.

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