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FNESC promotes the sharing of information through conferences and workshops.  The largest conference of the year is our Provincial Conference on Aboriginal Education, which draws approximately 600 educators from First Nations schools, public schools and other education bodies.  This conference is hosted jointly by FNESC and the BC Ministry of Education.

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12th Annual Provincial Conference on Aboriginal Education - Literature and Literacy
December 7-9, 2006
Vancouver, BC

This very popular conference is being hosted by FNESC, the BC Ministry of Education, the Metis Provincial Council of BC, and the United Native Nations Society.

Parts of the conference will be webcast: Click here to view the Plenaries live on Friday and Saturday
Note: you will need Windows Media Player 9 to view it.

Please click here for a Registration Kit

Vendor Information
We are inviting applications from exhibitors who wish to participate at our 12th Annual Provincial Conference on Education. Click here for a Vendor Announcement and click here for a Vendor Application form (Word/PDF)

Past Conferences

For information on past conferences and to see live web cast presentations from our 10th Annual Provincial Conference on Education, click here.

Partner Conferences

None to post at this time.


Anti-Racism Workshops

Working with the BC Aboriginal Education Partners, Diversity Consultant Eric Wong, and the Anti-Racism Leadership Network, FNESC provides a variety of anti-racism workshops and services. All of this work is intended to make BC schools racism-free and places where diversity is respected, with an emphasis on countering racism experienced by Aboriginal people in the education system.

Visit our anti-racism page for information about workshops, anti-racism toolkit and local anti-racism contact people.

Special Education Development Opportunities

For information on Special Education workshops, please click here.

Regional Sessions

A core component of FNESC's activities are the Regional Sessions that are conducted annually throughout the province. These Regional Sessions provide direction for the ongoing efforts of FNESC and provide invaluable feedback on current and planned initiatives. They also allow FNESC to remain responsive and accountable to First Nations communities.

2006 Regional Sessions

Schedule and Registration Form

Regional Session Venues 2006

Virtual Binder of Discussion Papers

Past Regional Sessions

2005 Regional Session Summary

2005 PowerPoint Presentation

2005 Discussion Papers

2005 Agenda

2004 Regional Session Summary




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