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Arctic Co-operatives Limited



Arctic Co-operatives Limited is a service federation that is owned and controlled by 35 community-based Co-operative business enterprises that are located in Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and northern Manitoba. Arctic Co-operatives Limited coordinates the resources, consolidates the purchasing power and provides operational and technical support to the community based Co-operatives to enable them to provide a wide range of services to their local member owners in an economical manner.

  • Arctic Co-operatives Limited was incorporated in 1972.
  • The 35 Co-ops are independently owned and controlled Inuit and Dene businesses. They operate retail facilities, hotels, cable operations, construction, outfitting, arts and crafts production and property rentals.
  • Provides support to a Co-op network with combined revenues of over $112 million in 2001.
  • Over 700 people are employed in our Co-op network.
  • The Co-op system in the north is a great example of Aboriginal community economic development in Canada.