First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada
The purpose of the Caring Society is to promote the well being of all First Nations children, youth, families and communities with a particular focus on the prevention of, and response to, child maltreatment.

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Five Ways to Make a Difference:

  1. Register your individual or organizational support for Jordan's Principle which is a child first principle to resolving inter governmental jurisdictional disputes.

  2. Help reshape the child welfare system so that it better supports Aboriginal children, youth and families by endorsing the Reconciliation in Child Welfare: Touchstones of hope for Indigenous children and youth.

  3. Write or e-mail your Member of Parliament to end the inequity in Aboriginal child welfare funding by adopting in full the recommendations of the Wen:de reports

  4. Join us in supporting the Many Hands One Dream principles to guide improvements to Aboriginal health care resulting in healthier Aboriginal children and young people.

  5. Learn how to respectfully engage young people in your organization's work by registering your support for the Declaration of Accountability on the Ethical Engagement of Young People and Adults in Canadian Organizations.

What's New?

Fall 2006 Newsletter