National Association of Indigenous Institutes of Higher Learning

Trevor Lewis
NAIIHL Mandate, Vision and Memorandum of Agreement


The establishment of the National Association of Indigenous Institutes of Higher Learning (NAIIHL) is an exercise of self-determination to meet community needs, and addresses the development of self-realization through the promotion and enhancement of Indigenous languages and cultures.

The NAIIHL is a vehicle to represent and assert our distinctiveness, and affirm our Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty rights and responsibilities as Indigenous nations.


The National Association of Indigenous Institutes of Higher Learning will advance, advocate for and support post-secondary, technical, adult and related Indigenous education for the betterment of our institutions, communities and all people.

Meeting Schedule
Executive Board Meetings

May 6th and 7th - Ottawa
June 23 - Winnipeg
October 4th and 5th - Calgary
January 2005 - Ottawa

Annual General Meeting

June 24 - 25, 2004
Radison Hotel Downtown
Winnipeg, MB
Phone : 204 975 6240

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Day 1
  • Prayer
  • Opening Remarks - Chair, guests
  • Indigenous Institutes Showcase
  • Reports and Appointment of Auditor
  • Policy Review and Approval
  • Roundtable Information Sharing/Networking - All Participants will have the opportunity to share institute success stories and table challenging issues.
  • 2005 World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education - presentation
Day 2
  • Data Base Template - presentation and approval
  • Funding Formula Model - presentation followed by open discussion
  • Draft Legislation for Indigenous Institutes - presentation and open discussion
  • Communications Strategy Development - brainstorm ideas, opportunites
  • Elections for Executive - eight positions to fill which include Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

Home Members Reports By-Laws (PDF Document)

For More Information:

Trevor Lewis (
First Nations Technical Institute
800-267-2037 (Toll Free)
613-396-2122 (Phone)
613-396-2761 (Fax)