Welcome to the Amazon Alliance

The AMAZON ALLIANCE works to defend the rights, territories and environment of indigenous and traditional peoples of the Amazon Basin. The Alliance is an initiative born out of the partnership between indigenous and traditional peoples of the Amazon and groups and individuals who share their concerns for the future of the Amazon and its peoples.
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Volunteer and Internship Opportunities
Interns are needed to work in our downtown Washington DC office on a variety of issues including oil development in Ecuador and Peru, and aerial eradication in Colombia.
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The Camisea Project

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Amazon Action:

Indigenous leaders from throughout the Americas meet in Ecuador to discuss their approaches to biodiversity conservation in their territories

From April 18-20, 2006, the Amazon Alliance and Ecuador's Fundacion Pachamama are hosting an Indigenous Exchange on Biodiversity and Territorial Rights: moving toward new relationships between indigenous peoples and conservationism in the Amazon town of Puyo.

Indigenous leaders from Mesoamerica and South America will gather to share their work protecting their territories and discuss trends in conservation, international cooperation, and indigenous rights.


Photos from our Annual Meeting
Iquitos, Peru: June 9th-11th 2004 See the photos...

Camisea Project
The Camisea Natural Gas Project is currently under construction in the Peruvian Amazon, to gain access to 11 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and more than 600 million barrels of liquid petroleum gas (LPG). The $1.6 billion dollar project also includes a 700 km pipeline that is being built from the gas fields in the Camisea and Lower Urubamba watershed across the Andes to the Peruvian coast.
   More about the Camisea Project...
 The Camisea Library
  Camisea Blog - news and articles....
See our Urgent Action Camapaigns!

Amazon Alliance 1367 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 USA tel: +1-202-785-3334 fax: +1-202-785-3335 email:amazon@amazonalliance.org