ididj australia australian didgeridoo cultural hub
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iDIDJ "Guild member of the Month" - Aboriginal Arts Lts. UK
Colin Goring has been a passionate supporter of iDIDJ Australia... visit website »

the didgeridoo phenomenon book

Latest News!!!
Ten Canoes feature film: double complimentary passes giveaway... more »

the didgeridoo phenomenon book

Djalu in Melbourne
Didgeridoo Master Djalu Gurruwiwi in Melbourne, November 2005

New book
The Didgeridoo Phenomenon. From Ancient Times to the Modern Age

the didgeridoo phenomenon book
Buy the book »

Western Arnhem Land Didgeridoos

mago didgeridoos

• iDIDJ-Rripangu Didgeridoo Study Tour, June 2004, photo archive... more »

• The Art of the Didgeridoo: Past & Present... iDIDJ Australia exhibition of didgeridoos at the Melbourne Museum... more »

• The Didgeridoo in the Global Market, issues & concerns... more »

• Didgeridoo history, iDIDJ Didgeridoo Timeline... more »

• iDIDJ Bookshop, new titles on didgeridoo and Aboriginal culture... more »

• Subscribe to the iDIDJ newsletter!



Didgeridoo Cultural Hub | iDIDJ Australia

iDIDJ Australia seeks to offer a central point for stakeholders and interested parties in coordinating efforts aimed at preserving the cultural integrity of one of Australia's most unique offerings to the world, the didgeridoo... Why? Because over 99% of didgeridoos you see in shops - in Australia and overseas - are NOT authentic didgeridoos...

The didgeridoo is an important part of the intangible cultural heritage of Australian Aboriginal groups from northern Australia. UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, defines intangible cultural heritage or living cultural heritage, as manifested, inter alia, in "... oral traditions, expressions and language; the performing arts; social practices, rituals, and festive events; knowledge and practices about nature and the universe; and traditional craftsmanship".

As Australia's Didgeridoo Cultural Hub, iDIDJ Australia is guided by the traditional Aboriginal owners and custodians of the didgeridoo in raising public awareness of the rich cultural traditions and significant heritage values of the didgeridoo.

"The Internet's most comprehensive resource on the didgeridoo and its source culture..."

What is a real didgeridoo and what is a fake didgeridoo? In this website, you will find useful topics that shed light on the complex issues of authenticity and commercial exploitation. We explain what an authentic didgeridoo is and contrast this with a souvenir didgeridoo and didgeridoos of non-Indigenous origin...

The Cultural Indications (CI) Index has been devised by iDIDJ Australia to help you understand the subtleties as to what is authentic and what is not...

Our virtual exhibition of didgeridoos offers a further reference, especially in relation to the didgeridoo's geographic and culturally distinct varieties in northern Australia.

The Didgeridoo Detective page gives you an opportunity to report on questionable souvenirs and didgeridoos that you might come across. If you like, you can join our Guild Members Program to help preserve the didgeridoo's cultural integrity...

Didgeridoo Cultural Hub | iDIDJ Australia

Check out our iDIDJ Calendar for didgeridoo related events and happenings... or submit your didgeridoo event and we will list it in our calendar if it has cultural relevance.

Got a didgeridoo? Want to learn how to play it? Our didgeridoo playing guide offers some tips on the difficult traditional Aboriginal techniques and styles...

If you already own a didgeridoo, you might want to read the didgeridoo maintenance section to ensure your instrument stays in good order...

Drop in to the Didgeridoo Download Hub and check out the MP3 audio and Quicktime movies of master didgeridoo players such as Djalu Gurruwiwi. Watch Djalu make a didgeridoo, and watch him play in a ceremony...

Lots more inside...!

"Traditional crafts, whether for utilitarian or artistic purposes, represent a very valuable form of cultural expression..." UNESCO.

At iDIDJ Australia, we support the traditional Aboriginal owners and custodians of the didgeridoo and help in promoting quality authentic instruments made in remote Aboriginal communities. If you're looking to buy an authentic didgeridoo, help us help these communities by visiting our online iDIDJ Store... we accept secure online payment and you can also track your didgeridoo's whereabouts online once we send it...

Didgeridoo Cultural Hub | iDIDJ Australia

We also have a good selection of vintage didgeridoos for sale, as well as a selection of investment paintings, early Aboriginal artifacts, out-of-print books and rare music...


Enter the world of the didgeridoo...

Enter didgeridoo cultural hub


Music for sale:

Mago Masterclass
NEW !!

bangarra didgeridoo CDs charity cd

Bush, Fish, Walkabout & Ochres by Bangarra
NEW !!

bangarra didgeridoo CDs charity cd

Gawurr Manikay: Songs of the Galpu
NEW !!

Gawurr Manikay didgeridoo cd

Milkayngu Mununggurr: Hard Tongue Didgeridoo
NEW !!

Milkay didgeridoo cd


Movies for sale:

As seen on Discovery Channel!

yidaki DVD

Yidaki Festa 2005
Djalu Gurruwiwi and family in Japan!

yidaki festa dvd

Everything new...

What's new »


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