Upcoming Community Consultations


As the Métis Nation continues to make gains on its self-government agenda, there is an increasing need to strengthen our national government. Métis citizens, communities, leadership, and assemblies have consistently urged for the development of a stronger national government structure which meets the unique needs of the Métis Nation. As well, increasingly over the past few years, the limitations of the Métis National Council's current corporate structure have frustrated the Métis Nation in acting and operating as an Aboriginal government. Based on all of these factors, the Métis National Council is moving forward on developing a Métis Nation Constitution!

This site has been created to provide Métis citizens, from throughout the Homeland, an opportunity to be aware of, updated on, and participate in the Métis Nation's constitutional development process. You can check out the consultation process that is being undertaken, download the consultation document that will be used throughout the Homeland or read up on the how what is a constitution.

As well, the site will be regularly updated with the dates, locations and times of upcoming Métis Nation Constitution consultation meetings being held throughout the Homeland. All Métis citizens to encouraged to come out and participate in these important meetings. Your input is essential!

Finally, if you are unable to attend one of the consultations in your province, you can provide your input on-line. All on-line responses from Métis citizens will be reviewed and considered by the Métis Nation Constitution Commission prior to developing its final report on the consultation process. If you have any additional questions or comments you can forward them to the Métis Nation Constitution Commission at constitution@metisnation.ca or contact your provincial representative directly.

Thank you for participating in this important undertaking to strengthen our nation's national governance structure!


Metis National Council
350 Sparks Street, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8
Phone: 613-232-3216
Fax: 613-232-4262
Toll Free: 800-928-6330
© 2003 Metis National Council