September Pelltemllik 2002
Issue Highlights 

Sugar Cane Dancer to represent Bonaparte Pow Wow

Crowned the Bonaparte Pow Wow 2002 Princess was Secwepemc Janelle Alphonse of Sugar Cane, also known as Williams Lake Indian Band, or T’éxelc. Her parents are Willie Alphonse Jr. and his wife Louise; her natural mother is Vangie Robbins. Janelle’s Kye7e is Victorine Alphonse (some call her Spic) and her Xpe7é is Willie Alphonse Sr. of Sugar Cane.

Janelle is 12 years old and going into grade 7 at George Hilliard Elementary in the fall. Her future dreams include becoming a schoolteacher. She excels in physical education and art. Her mother says she is also a champion skipper. A very outgoing young lady, Janelle makes friends whereever she goes.

Janelle is involved in the Kamloops Youth Circle, a group of youth who gather to practice their singing skills. The group travels to nursing homes and hospitals in the local area to entertain the sick and elderly.

Janelle says her family is the biggest influence of her life, and culture. "My mom got me into dancing when I was young and I have been dancing ever since I was a little girl. Louise (stepmom) has always encouraged me and made me outfits so that I can keep dancing."

Speaking on her recent crowning of Pow Wow Princess, "I think that I would make a good Annual Bonaparte Princess because I worked hard and always dreamed of representing a community," says Janelle.

Those were the words of a beautiful young lady who danced her heart out and tears flowed when she was crowned ‘Miss Bonaparte 2002.’

Her grandparents came from Sugar Cane to support her along with Willie and Louise. It was a remarkable moment they have all been working towards for the past two years. Janelle wore the outfit she was given at the Honouring Our Youth Pow Wow this spring at NorKam.

This past weekend Janelle won the 12 and Under, Fancy Dancer at the First Annual Sugar Cane Competition Pow Wow at Williams Lake and is primed for her trip to Vancouver on the long weekend to compete at BC Place.

Janelle’s final words were, "I would like to thank all the elders, community and everyone who supported me. It is going to be an honour to represent Bonaparte. See you on the Pow Wow trail…" "Kukstemc"

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