Innovation Canada
The Canada Foundation for Innovation's Online Magazine
Showcasing Excellence In Canadian Research

How is research funded in Canada? Find out in the January issue of, which will feature the federal research funding agencies—the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, as well as the Canada Research Chairs, and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

The presidents of these agencies will describe the unique work they do, how it benefits Canadians, and their critical role in the overall S&T framework.

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Innovation Canada | Actualité en recherche et innovation technologique
It has been said that research—the discovery of new knowledge—and predicting how it will be applied is like driving in the dark. You can see only as far as the headlights will allow, but if you keep going, you will reach your destination.

Innovation Canada | Big Thoughts on Little Science | Preston Manning
On June 22, 2006, a large gathering of scientists, administrators, business people, and politicians met to celebrate the opening of the $120 million facility of the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

Innovation Canada | Nanotechnology as Choreography: Great Form, Useful Function? | Edward (Ted) H. Sargent
Nanotechnology is coordinated movement: a choreographed dance among atoms and molecules to achieve a desired effect.

Innovation Canada | Tiny Titan: Nanotechnology in our Future
Nanotechnology. It’s so hot it sizzles. Even distinguished scientists discussing the potential impact of this new technology sound like excited children on Christmas morning.

Innovation Canada | When Things Get Small
See what happens when things get small. Courtesy of University of California Television (UCTV)

Or visit the website.
Innovation Canada | Labs in Your Pocket | Vassili Karanassios
Nanotechnology researchers at the University of Waterloo create miniature electronics capable of detecting environmental threats, storing enormous amounts of data, and producing clean energy.
Innovation Canada | Nanotechnology Is Calling, Microscopes Are Answering | Steven Dew
As the nano-scale world grows, researchers at Alberta and McMaster universities develop the microscope technology to conquer it.
Innovation Canada | Making a Mark with Molecules | Maryam Tabrizian
World-class nanotech research community puts Montreal on the biomedical map by developing new technologies for medical treatments.
Innovation Canada | Sounds of Hope | Kayla Cornale
Inspired by her family, Kayla Cornale developed a teaching system that allows autistic children to learn through music.
Innovation Canada | How Small is Small
To help you get a handle on the very small scale of nanotechnology, the Wellcome Trust has put together this simple interactive demonstration.

Reproduced courtesy of the .
Innovation Canada | Nano Art Gallery
Browse through these beautiful images and learn more about the science of the extremely tiny.

Innovation Canada | Nanotechnology Designs for the Future
A computer-generated animated short film called “Productive Nanosystems: from Molecules to Superproducts” has been produced to help communicate the power of nanotechnology. The film demonstrates key steps in a process that converts simple molecules into a billion-CPU laptop computer.


Courtesy of John Burch, .
Want to know more about nanotechnology?