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NRC Highlights

January 2007   

Insight by NRC President Pierre Coulombe

A ship navigates through sea ice in the Canadian Arctic

Safe Northern Passage

A new NRC study reveals that climate change could make it more, not less dangerous for shipping in the Canadian Arctic. And, even with significant warming in coming decades, the research predicts that Canada's legendary North West Passage will remain impenetrable to large-scale commercial shipping.

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Insight by NRC President Pierre Coulombe

From Theory to Practice: National Programs Take NRC's Strategy to Next Level

Research aircraft

 It's a bird, it's a plane... it's a bird striking a plane

Ever seen those silly chicken cannon skits on CBC's Royal Canadian Air Farce? Few people know that a similar device is used for serious tests. The tests and related research ultimately make air travel safer for Canadians and save money for airlines and aircraft manufacturers.

Friction Stir Welding

 Swimming on the Surface

Washing the car in the driveway on a hot summer day... Imagine if, instead, your car could actually repel the dirt, freeing up what would have to be millions of leisure hours across America. This is just one of the applications of surface technology that industry would like to see and that NRC researchers can help them develop.

The Bell Eagle Eye UAV is an example of a tiltrotor aircraft

 NRC Technology Helps Canadian Aerospace Industry

New capabilities for manufacturing aerospace composite parts are now available within Canada, thanks to a recently completed multi-partner project spearheaded by NRC Aerospace.

Live bottom trailer

 When a Trailer Becomes a Leader

Live bottom trailers are changing the way bulk goods are transported and a Prince Edward Island (PEI) company is in the vanguard of those companies that have grasped the reality.

Photo of the Month
Systems Integration in Harsh Electromagnetic Conditions

Systems Integration in Harsh Electromagnetic Conditions

NRC competencies in electromagnetic compatibility design and test engineering have resulted in an increased number of system integration and design projects from military clients.

   View more photos from NRC Picture Perfect Science

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Date Modified: 2006-12-21
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