Educator Listserv

Statistics Canada is working to support educators and students in their teaching, learning and research through a learning resources team and a growing number of products and services.

We are adding teaching activities, teacher kits, university level assignments and new data to our website. We need your feedback to make sure we're meeting your needs.

We have set up a listserv, geoghist, to share ideas on the use of Canadian statistical information in teaching and learning. We encourage teachers and postsecondary instructors to subscribe and participate!

To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail message to:

Leave the subject line blank and in the body of the message type:

subscribe geoghist YourFirstName YourLastName

You will receive confirmation of your subscription to geoghist.

After you have subscribed, you may post messages to geoghist by e-mailing:

To be removed from the list: Send an e-mail to, leaving the subject line blank. In the body of the message, type:

unsubscribe geoghist

Privacy notice: Statistics Canada will not sell, distribute, trade or transfer client information to other government departments, businesses, organizations or individuals outside the Agency for commercial or any other purposes, unless required by law. The information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to support your client relationship with Statistics Canada.

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  7. Date modified