art people history





 The Secwepemc Cultural and Education Society is a non-profit native organization with offices and other facilities located at the Chief Louis Centre on the Kamloops Indian Reserve. Established in 1982 the SCES is governed by representatives from the Shuswap Bands. The Mandate of the SCES is to assist the Shuswap people and Bands to preserve, record, perpetuate, and enhance the Shuswap Language, History, and Culture.

You can  find the Secwepemc Culture and Education Society on the 3rd floor of the Secwepemc Building. Departments at this location are Administration, Language, and Aboriginal Trades. The Secwepemc Museum ans Secwepemc News are on the is on the lowest level and Adult Education is in the Chief Louis Centre.

311-355 Yellowhead Hwy., Kamloops, BC V2H 1H1