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Premier's Message

Tunngasugitti – welcome to Nunavut

For thousands of years the people of Nunavut have thrived on top of the world. Ours is a vast and beautiful land, one of the last unspoiled corners of the earth.

Nunavut is also a land of opportunity. Our economy has excellent prospects for growth and we expect significant development in the mining, fisheries, arts, culture, film, and tourism industries over the next decade. We look forward to gaining control of our natural resources and resource royalties so we can take full advantage of the economic opportunities that arise from our human and natural resources.

The territory of Nunavut came into being through the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. The Government of Nunavut and Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, the Inuit birthright organization, are working together to encourage self-reliance and to protect the rights and benefits of the Inuit of Nunavut.

As we move forward we will continue to work with our land claims partners. Through open communications I am confident that we will reach our goal -- improving the lives of all Nunavummiut by strengthening our culture and expanding our economy.

We have a wealth of resources, a growing economy, breathtaking landscapes and a unique culture to share with Canada and the rest of the world.

I invite you to use this web site to learn more about how you can participate in our emerging economy, spend time in our unique culture and experience our unspoiled nature.

Premier Paul Okalik