NORMIN Showing Query
NORMIN Reference Browser
Gateway Browser

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NTGO Library and Archives
Box 1500, 4601-B 52nd Ave
Yellowknife NT X1A 2R3
Phone: 867-669-2636

NORMIN Mineral Showings Extracts

Mineral showings extracts contain the most commonly requested fields of information (eg. name, latitude, longitude, type of mineralization) for all showings and deposits recorded so far in the NORMIN mineral showings database.

The term [yymmdd] in a filename described below indicates that the real filename contains something like 040217, which means 2004 Feb 17. This is the date on which the data in the file was extracted from the main database.

The last part of the help_readme file offers some advice on opening tab-delimited ASCII files in spreadsheets. If you have difficulty, please email or call.

Basic Extract (zip format)


- - - The HELP FILES:

Four files in html format; open Help_Readme which links to the others (please read at least the disclaimer and conditions).


A graphic in gif format (prog.gif) of a map showing areas which have been researched (critical for distinguishing between lack of showings and lack of research).


A tab-delimited ASCII file called normshow_[yymmdd].txt. Each row represents one showing. There are 54 attributes (columns of information) for each showing. These are described in Help_Readme and include latitude and longitude. ** This is the only file many people need **


A tab-delimited ASCII file called showXref-comment_[yymmdd].txt of references for each showing. Each row represents one showing-reference pair. There are 4 columns of information for each pair: the showing ID as above, a reference ID, and the Type (refer_type) and Number (refer_nbr) of each reference. Links to normshow (the main showing extract file) via showing ID, and to normref (the main reference extract file) via either reference ID or the combination of Type and Number.

Detailed Extract (zip format)


- - - The HELP FILES:

Four files in html format; open Help_Readme which links to the others (please read at least the disclaimer and conditions).


A graphic in gif format (prog.gif) of a map showing areas which have been researched (critical for distinguishing between lack of showings and lack of research).


A tab-delimited ASCII file called normshow_[yymmdd].txt. Each row represents one showing. There are 54 attributes (columns of information) for each showing; these are described in Help_Readme and include latitude and longitude. *** This is the only file many people need ***


A tab-delimited ASCII file called showXref-comment_[yymmdd].txt of references for each showing. Each row represents one showing-reference pair. There are 4 columns of information for each pair: the showing ID as above, a reference ID, and the Type (refer_type) and Number (refer_nbr) of each reference. Links to normshow (the main showing extract file) via showing ID, and to normref (the main reference extract file) via either reference ID or the combination of Type and Number.

- - - The GEOLOGY:

A tab-delimited ASCII file called geology_[yymmdd].txt containing geological summaries and exploration histroies for each researched showing. Links to normshow via showing ID.


A tab-delimited ASCII file called prodstat_[yymmdd].txt containing information on commodities produced by operating mines. Each row represents one production period for a showing. Links to normshow (the main showing extract file) via showing ID, and to normref (the main reference extract file) via the combination of Type and Number. Five more columns provide additional information about the showing, also found in normshow, and 10 columns provide production information.

NORMIN References Extracts

References include mineral exploration assessment reports and geological publications. The extract contains information about these (i.e. metadata). To acquire the reports themselves, visit the Reference Query link to search and download, or the Reference Browser link to gateway\browseA, not to login to download if you already know what you want. To acquire information about selected references, visit the Reference Query page.

The term [yymmdd] in a filename described below indicates that the real filename contains something like 040217, which means 2004 Feb 17. This is the date on which the data in the file was extracted from the main database.

The last part of the help_readme file offers some advice on opening tab-delimited ASCII files in spreadsheets. If you have difficulty, please email or call.

Complete Set of References (zip format)


- - - The HELP FILES:

Four files in html format; open Help_Readme which links to the others (please read at least the disclaimer and conditions).


A tab-delimited ASCII file called norm_ref_[yymmdd].txt, containing the most critical references metadata. References include exploration reports (including "assessment reports") and geological publications. Each row represents one reference. There are 28 attributes (columns of information) for each reference; these are described in Help_Readme and include bounding latitudes and longitudes for many of the references. This file has some 500-character fields; you may need to create memo fields if you are importing to a database.