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Going Fishing in the Gwich’in Settlement Area?

Going Fishing in the Gwich?in Settlement Area?
Going Fishing in the Gwich?in Settlement Area?
Going Fishing in the Gwich?in Settlement Area?

NWT Fishing Regulations
If you will be angling in the Gwich’in Settlement Area (GSA), you will first need your NWT Sport Fishing Licence, issued by Department of Environment and Natural Resources, NWT (see Contacts, below). All anglers must abide by the NWT Fishing Regulations.

2011-12 Sport Fishing Regulations Guide

Click here for a PDF version of the 2011-12 Sport Fishing Regulations Guide pdf

For a complete version, visit Northwest Territories Fishing Regulations.

Gwich’in Private Lands
In addition to these regulations, sport fishing in the GSA is subject to the terms and conditions of the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. Permission is required to access Gwich’in Private Lands (28% of surface lands in the GSA). These lands are located throughout the GSA (all shaded areas in Figure 1). Though recreational fishing on many portions of Gwich’in Private Lands is permitted, fishing is restricted in some portions (e.g., near Gwich’in Cabins, near traditional fishing areas).

  • Day-use of Gwich’in Private Lands
    Notify the Renewable Resource Council (see Contacts, below) in the community closest to where you will be fishing. The RRC will have additional information on where fishing is permitted. (see Contacts, below).
  • Camping on Gwich’in Private Lands
    First, notify the appropriate Renewable Resource Council (as above). Second, obtain a camping permit from the Gwich’in Land Administration (see Contacts, below).

Figure 1 ? Land Ownership in the GSA

Figure 1 – Land Ownership in the GSA pdf

Special Lands in the GSA
Fishermen are also asked to be aware of Conservation Zones, Heritage Conservation Zones, and Special Management Zones. These areas are important harvesting, conservation, and heritage areas for the Gwich’in and should be treated with respect. For more information on these areas, please contact the appropriate RRC or the Gwich’in Land Use Planning Board (see Contacts, below).

Figure 2 ? Special Lands in the GSA

Figure 2 – Special Lands in the GSA pdf

Additional Information
For the particulars of which parcels of land are off-limits please consult the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (GCLCA). The sections that are pertinent to recreational fishermen are Volume I: Section 20.2.2, and Volume 2: Appendix F, schedules IX and X. Non-Gwich’in have the right to use navigable waters, portages, and waterfront lands associated with Gwich’in Private Lands for travel by water or for recreation. The exceptions to this are listed in the GCLCA.

For up-to-date information on camping rates, please consult the latest version of “Land Management and Control Guidelines with Schedule of Rates, Fees, and Penalties.”

Department of Environment and Natural Resources, NWT
Issues recreational fishing licences.
Inuvik: (867) 678-6650
Yellowknife: (867) 873-7184
Website: NWT Wildlife
Renewable Resource Councils
Each community in the GSA has a Renewable Resource Council. The council is a community-based advisory board for renewable resource issues.
RRC Aklavik: (867) 978-2336
RRC Fort McPherson: (867) 952-2330 (Band office)
RRC Inuvik: (867) 777-6652
RRC Tsiigehtchic: (867) 953-3608
Gwich’in Land Administration (Gwich’in Tribal Council)
The administrative body of the GTC that manages Gwich’in Private Lands.
Lands Manager: (867) 777-7900
Website: Gwich'in Land Administration
Gwich’in Land Use Planning Board
Develops and oversees implementation of a land-use plan for the GSA that provides for the conservation, use and development of land, water and resources.
Land Use Planner: (867) 777-7936
Website: Gwich’in Land Use Planning Board


Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board