Today's news releases from The Daily RSS

Friday, December 8, 2006
Released at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time

Satellite account of non-profit institutions and volunteering, 1997 to 2003
Economic activity in the non-profit sector, as measured by gross domestic product, outpaced that of the economy as a whole between 1997 and 2003. During this period, gross domestic product for the non-profit sector grew at an annual average rate of 6.4%, faster than the average of 5.6% for the total economy.

Air charter statistics, 2004 

Study: Wage differences between male and female university professors, 1970 to 2001

Steel primary forms, weekly data, week ending December 2, 2006 

Natural gas transportation and distribution, August 2006

Refined petroleum products, September 2006 

New products

Upcoming releases: December 11 to 15, 2006 

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