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VanGala One: The Transformation Continues! Join us at a semi-formal networking event at 8pm at Rocky Mountaineer Rail Station on Jan. 27th to keep the celebration of the 13th National Aboriginal Achievement Awards going strong. It's a fundraiser for the Native Youth Centre Order your limited advance tix $20 or get group discounts. Tons of door prizes, silent auction, and more...
Click HERE to Win to Get In to VanGala One!

Over 15 confirmed Aboriginal performers! NEW Cris Derksen (Métis celloist who played with Kanyé West!) Lindsey the Bomberry (Spoken Word), Alternative Rockers Bitterly Divine, Sunday Skool Dropoutz, The Chinook Songcatchers… PLUS CAMA winner Jason Burnstick. Check here every few days for updates!

OTHER EVENTS West Coast launch of Spirit Mag (Jan 20 th ) at Sonar; Blueprint for the Future Conf . (Jan. 25 th ); RezX Afterparty (Jan.27th) , Much Music All Ages Dance Party (Jan27th) at the Friendship Centre (call 604-2514844)

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