Welcome Letter
The Honourable James Scott Peterson, Minister of International Trade

Canada: the Best Place in the World to Do Business
Government agencies, academia, and the private sector have come together to create one of the best business climates in the world.

Three Years Later: Do We Have a Smarter Border?
Post 9/11, a secure — yet efficient — border quickly became crucial to North America’s economic well-being.

The Film/New Media Industries’ Northern Magic
Through its creativity, superb technological base, and synergistic partnerships, Canada has created the perfect environment for the film and new media industries.

A New Deal for Canadian Cities
With billions more in funding now pledged to cities, the best place in the world to do business is about to become even better.

Canada: A Global Energy Powerhouse
Canada now ranks as the fifth-largest energy producer in the world.

The Canadian Advantage: What Are the Experts Saying?
High educational standards, low business costs, generous incentives, and an enviable quality of life create a pro-business environment for companies looking at North American markets.

H1B Blues: Canada’s HR Options
Canada has reaffirmed both its commitment to facilitating the admission of foreign workers and its concern to protect national security, public health, and the Canadian labor market.

Blakes’ Guide to Doing Business in Canada
Here is some general guidance on doing business in Canada.



LocationCanada.com is produced by Halcyon Business Publications, Inc., publishers of Area Development magazine, in cooperation with the Canadian Consulate General in New York.
Companies considering a Canadian location should find the information on this site helpful in conducting their searches. Included are several articles that highlight the advantages of doing business in Canada and capture the country’s innovative spirit, solid infrastructure, and generous funding initiatives.
Additionally, the article “The Canadian Advantage” gives you a view of the country’s business climate — straight from the leading global consultants who know it best.
For more information, select any of the links provided by the sponsors of this site or those included in the Advertiser’s Index to be directly connected to organizations that can help you with your Canadian site selection needs. We also invite you to visit Area Development Online

Additional Resources:

The Economist Intelligence Unit Names
Canada Best Country for Business

Canadian Consulate—New York

Canadian Investment News

Free Literature

Video Presentations:

Fraser Milner Casgrain
New Brunswick
Richmond Hill

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