The Aboriginal Sport Circle is Canada’s national voice for Aboriginal sport, which brings together the interests of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples. Established in 1995, the Aboriginal Sport Circle was created through a national consensus-building process, in response to the need for more accessible and equitable sport and recreation opportunities for Aboriginal peoples.

Do you know an outstanding Aboriginal athlete or coach? Nominations for the 2006 Tom Long Boat and Aboriginal Coaching awards are now being accepted.
Download the Tom Long Boat Nomination Form (pdf 256kb)
Download the Coaching Awards Nomination Form (pdf 256kb)

Immediate news section
Team Spirit Invitation
Wiarton, Ontario, December 5, 2006,
Akwesasne, Ontario, December 7, 2006
Calgary Alberta, January 10, 2007

Three consultations are being hosted to discuss the needs, interests and experiences of Aboriginal girls and young women, and the realities of providing community sport programs for this target group. The consultations are designed to support Team Spirit programs in host communities, and collect stories to share with individuals and organizations across Canada. LEARN MORE >>

2008 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships
Host Bid Process Criteria
Learn More >>

Staffing Announcement
The Aboriginal Sport Circle is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Norman Ettawacappo to the position of Manager – Major Games Liaison effective December 7, 2006. READ MORE >>

Presentation to Standing Committee on Health
by the Aboriginal Sport Circle, October 17, 2006
As you know, obesity and its related health risks is one of the particular challenges facing Aboriginal people today. Over 50% of our children and youth are either overweight or obese. READ MORE >>



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Roundpoint Building, RR 3, Akwesasne Mohawk Territory, Cornwall Island, ON K6H 5R7
Tel (613) 938-1176 Fax (613) 938-9181 ©copyright

"Thanks to Canadian Heritage (Sport Canada) for its generous financial contribution."